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I shifted my gaze from the interior of the cab towards the world outside which was visible through the window.

I saw numerous shops and malls come and go. Most of the buildings were pretty tall and beautiful! I could see people around shopping or just wandering around. I loved the sight so much!

"Isn't it so pretty ?" I heard a voice beside me.

I turned towards her and smiled.

"It surely is. I love it so much!"

She (Katie) smiled back.

Soon, the driver turned the radio on and a song started playing. 

It was Falling by Harry Styles! Ooh!!

Everybody started vibing to the song. The song's really great!

Anyway, we reached our destination, Herkimer KOA Resort. It looked amazing!

We had parked our cab near a restaurant. The whole place was filled with greenery and trees around. I saw some houses around too and a place where we could set out our tents.

We grabbed our bags, got out of the cab and the cool breeze hit my face. I felt so refreshed that a small smile formed on my lips. 

We were instructed to find a common spot to assemble while we waited for the others to come.

Our bags were still with us as we stood together. 

Soon, all the cabs arrived and all of them joined us. I saw Jason too. 

And (un)surprisingly, Mia too.

Our teachers assembled in front of us and one of them spoke

"Hello everyone! So as we all can see, we've reached our destination. We're gonna have lots of fun setting up camps and doing numerous activities. But before that, we have planned to pair you up so that each of you can have a partner to support you."

We all started chattering about the pairing idea when the teacher cut us off.

"Before any of you guys assume anything," she (the teacher) paused. "We're gonna pair you up. The pairing will be based on our decision." she smiled.

We all whined.

"So we shall start pairing you all up now!" 

To The Boy I Loved | ✓Where stories live. Discover now