Chapter 9

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Once landed

George's pov

Once we had landed I had to detach myself from Anna and wake her up but that was proving to be difficult, so I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist, she is surprisingly light. I let the boys lead and I walked down the plane steps. The only problem now is that we have to go to the hotel to get our room key separately then together as we book a separate room privately for all of us, but I don't want to wake her up.

Eventually, she wakes up causing me to put her down and lead her through the airport, she wraps her arms around my waist as we walk to keep safe. Once at the taxi place, we discuss what hotel we're staying at, turns out we have all got the same one, so we share a minibus taxi there. Once we arrive all our PAs are there waiting. I say bye to the boy and anna as I make my way up to my room.

Anna's pov

I walk up to my team after entering the hotel lobby and tell them I'm going for a walk and to leave my room key behind reception, they agree and let me go. ( Remember her team doesn't know she is a girl so they think she is a PR person/ PA to 'Cela'.)

I was walking around until I got to this park, I sat on a bench near a pond to calm my mind. I can't believe I'm a formula one driver who has one in my first race. It's surreal, but life's got to move on and it does that quick, I like the other drivers they are all so sweet and handsome but unfortunately, they are all unavailable for me as they are all in a relationship that I don't want o ruin. That reminded me about what happened on the plane I hope they aren't upset that I cuddled with those boys and George picked me up, I should apologies tomorrow and say that I stepped over the line.

I look at my watch and it read 23:50 (11:50 for those who don't know 24-hour clock) Shit I've been out for 4 hours. No one in my team cares about me as they would've called so I just make my way back to the hotel where there is a new receptionist. I walk up to her.

"Hi I'm a part of team Aston Martin under the name Anna Beth, ( i use this name to show I'm not connected to cela) I asked my team to leave a key card behind the desk so I could retrieve it?"

"Hi there, let me check the backroom for it. I won't be a minute!" she says as she turns the corner to the backroom. At this point I'm tired and I want to go to bed it has been stressful enough with missing my flight and all.

"I'm sorry mam, but there is no card associated with that name, would you like me to call someone from that team?"

" oh no, don't worry I wouldn't want to hassle them! Is there any spare room tonight?" I ask after trying not to let a tear slip.

" I'm sorry mam but we're fully booked, have a nice evening," she said before she turned to her laptop. Wow, that was rude.

I walk away from the desk to see my luggage also wasn't there which mean someone has taken it. Why is it always me why can't I just have a break? I try calling my team manager but she doesn't pick up. I'm now stranded in a hotel lobby when I could be in a nice warm bed, but instead, I'm panicking that I have no luggage and no room!

I need to call someone and see if I can stay in their room but everyone's already asleep, I guess I'm staying in the lobby tonight then. I sit down on a sofa in the far corner where the receptionist couldn't see me and no one can unless they looked and curled into a ball trying to stay warm. The next thing I see is darkness.

Max's pov

We've all managed to sneak into the shared room tonight, which is nice as I don't see the boys as much on weekends as my team want me away from them. Tonight, however, I can't fall asleep as I'm freezing because lewis took the covers from me. I managed to untangle myself from the weed of arms as I go over to the door and quietly open it hoping not to disturb anyone. I'm planning to go down to reception to ask if they have any more blankets. Once I make my way down I ask the reception lady who gives me a flirty smile and excuses herself to go check, as I wait I hear a soft breathing noise that alerts me to a corner of the hotel. But before I could investigate the receptionist comes back with an extra blanket and a note.

"Here's your blanket, if you're still cold I know something that can warm you up" she winked at me, that was honestly the most disgusted I've ever been in my life. Anyway, as I continue to the elevator I spot something in the corner the same lace I heard the noise. I quickly go over and see a body on the sofa tightly wrapped up, I go up to them to see if they're alright but I was surprised to see Anna's face in front of me. I carefully picked her up bridal style and take her to the elevator where I click the right floor. I look down to make sure she hasn't woken up and thankfully she is still soundly asleep. I can't stop thinking about why she was there in the first place, she should be in her room. As I reach the door I seem to have forgotten my room card. Shit, now what am I meant to do. I loudly knock on the door and hope one of the boys is awake.

Feeling like I'm waiting forever I end up calling Carlos to open the door, the Spaniard is always awake

My little Spaniard xxx calling


Carlos - hello?

Max - hi babe

Carlos - what are you doing? Why are you calling me at 1 am?

Max - I forgot my room key and I need someone to let me in

Carlos - ok I'm coming why were you out in the first place?

Max - Lewis stole the covers and I wanted a blanket so I went to reception.

Carlos - ok then, I'm just coming.

My little Spaniard hung up

Max's pov still

As he hung up, Carlos opened the door then almost immediately closed it again. After a few seconds, he opened it again.

"Why have you got a girl in your arms?" he asked, confused.

"It's Anna, she was asleep on the sofa in the reception" I replied while walking into the spare room placing her on that bed. Once I place her down I turn around and end up tripping over a suitcase, ouch. I get up and look at the bag. It seems to be an Aston Martin bag making me question why sebs put it in here until I see the name tag 'Anna Beth', why is it in here shouldn't be in her room?

I'll leave that until tomorrow, I walk out and close the door to confront Carlos who looked tired and confused. I let him know what happened and we decide to go to bed on the sofa.

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