Chapter 48

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OMG Is this me actually posting in the same month?! Thanks everyone for all the love :) 


Anna's pov

I invited Jake to watch Free Practise in Aston Martin today and I cant say I'm not nervous...

"Hey Sis, just want to say thanks again for hearing me out and for inviting me," Jake said as he approached me.

"It's all good, I'm willing to forgive you but I've got to trust you first. Now important business. Do you have a place to live right now?"

"Technically no..." he sheepishly replied.

"Technically? Could you elaborate?"

"I've got to the end of the month until rents due and I don't have enough to pay for it."

"But what about the academy? Surly they are paying you enough?" I asked.

"I'm no longer a part of the Ferrari academy after I fired Dad, he managed to get them to get rid of me. So I then had to pay for my entry this season and I haven't got any sponsor who pays me very much. I'm so sorry I should go" he started getting teary.

"No! Hold on. Let me talk to a few people, just sit tight okay?"

"You should be focusing on the race. I don't want to be the reason you get distracted..."

I walked away before he could argue anymore, i made my way to the Mercedes garage to meet Lewis.

"Anna, get back to your own garage."

"Fuck off Toto."

Anyway, I found Lewis's room and knocked.

"Hello love, I have a favour to ask," I told the 7-time world champion.

"Yes, miss Cela..."

We discussed my plans and after I made my way back to the Aston garage and got ready for practice 2.

1 hour later...

Lewis's pov

I finished 4th in the practice today not bad but I was a little distracted. I got Stevo to get in contact with a few people to hopefully solve Jake's problems. I took my time sorting out my gear then walked over to Anna's garage.

"Hey man, I've been looking at your stuff in F3 mate. Very impressive." I clapped hands with Jake.

"Thanks mate, I think Anna's in Sebastian's room?"

"Actually I'm here for you, follow me." he looked surprised but still followed as I led him to a meeting room in Aston where Anna and Seb were already sitting talking.

"What is going on?" Jake asked settling down on a chair.

"Anna asked me to help you out, so as part CEO of HVR, I would like to offer you a place in our academy. We will take care of your costs for the season including sponsors and your contract will last a year with an extensions optional. Have a read over the contract and if you have any questions go ahead.

"Thank you so much! Why do you want to help me? I haven't exactly been the best person."

"Seb and Lewis have a very good- judge of character and they discussed it after watching a few of your races and wanted you for your talent, not anything else and yes maybe I did ask them to consider you but they wouldn't have offered if they thought you were a waste of time," Anna replies and pulls him into a hug.

"We would also be supplying accommodation and covering bills for the first 6 months then we can discuss any problem you may have and continue from there," Seb added.

MHV stands for Hamilton and Vettel Racing, Seb and I created it for situations like this where we can help those who are struggling financially and we believe the sport will be missed if they aren't helped.

"You guys are the best seriously I don't know how I can repay you." Jake wipes his eyes which had just started to water.

"You believe in us, and keep in contact with Anna."

"I can do that."

Alex's pov

I was doing some studying of the race when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" Pierre walked in and flopped next to me.



He smiled at me before lying his head on my back and playing on his phone.

"You good?" I asked.

"oui mon amour"

Before I could continue my work I heard another knock.

"Who is it?" I call out.

"It's George babe. Can I come in?"

"Course love"

George closed the door behind him and laughed at the sight, he picked up Alex's papers and moved them to his desk.

"Hey! I was trying to study!" I whacked his side as he moved to Pierre.

"Touch my hair, you die."

"Wtf how did you know I was going to do that?" George questioned whilst pushing me over so I was on my back with Pierre on my stomach.

"I know what you're like George I could hear the cockiness from down the hall."

"Will you two stop bickering, i'm trying to look at TikTok!" I glared at them.

I was scrolling when I found a video of a confirmation of a new signing for an academy. I clicked the link in the bio to find Lewis and Seb's academy had managed to sign Anna's brother.

"Hey did either of you know about this?" I turned my phone to show them.

"What? No way. That's so nice of them." George responded.

"But I thought he had enough money, lewis said he would only accept people who were 'less fortunate'." Pierre counters.

"I'm sure it was properly discussed between the two and we don't know what's happening anyway," I respond and shut off my phone.

"Okay up we get may as well go see the others" George pulled me and Pierre up dragging us to the shared motorhome before pushing me down in a massive beanbag then he proceeded to jump on top of us.

"George!" Pierre and I shout at him, he just wraps himself around us.

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