Chapter 32

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Hi everyone! sorry, I haven't uploaded since May. To be honest I couldn't find any motivation to write as i found myself just repeating senerios and it felt boring and not new. However, I know some of you would like a new chapter so I have made one. than k you for all the support and feel free to message me if you have any idea what to write about next, I'm following the 2022 schedule just in case anyone is confused.

Next day

George's pov

We have decided to just relax today, do a group cool-down session and finish any meetings or interviews. Anyway, I was sitting in our group home out here when I felt a tap on my solder. I turn to see Max and Lewis giggling, those two are trouble.

"What are you laughing at exactly?" I asked whilst studying them.

"Nothing!" they both rapidly reply. I scoff and go to find Mick.

"Mick babe, do I have something on my back?" he nodded and rips a piece of paper off my back. It read 'shirtless bastard'

"Why? Just simply, why?" the two people who are meant to be fighting for the championship are playing pranks on their boyfriends and girlfriend.

"Bored" I got a reply from Lewis.

"How about we start our cool-down session? That will stop you from being bored" Mick said whilst standing up and walked over towards Max kissing him.

"Oh yeah let's do that! George, can you get everyone dressed and down to the gym?" Lewis asked.


The fittest guys and girl in F1

George - planning to do a cool-down session in 5 mins in the gym, meet us there.

Seb - getting ready now!

Anna - dragging Lando out of bed just coming.

Lando - can someone grab me a plaster she literally dragged me.

10 minutes later

George - Carlos, where are you?

Charles - he got an extra session at the track for practice forgot to mention sorry!

Carlos - yeah sorry guys I'll do my own session later, I had to leave early.

George - ok! Let us know if you need anything.

End of chat

Carlos's pov

The team had asked me to come in today for some training as 'i'm not as good as Charles which I think is a bunch of bullshit but it is what it is. I've done 40 laps yet 'none are good enough. I joined Ferrari thinking it would help me massively yet I'm still in second place.

"Let go again Carlos, another 5 then you can go," my engineer said to me.

An hour later

I had finally made it home after 5 hours of training, the house was pretty empty it seemed so I made my way down to the gym to cool down. When I walked in I saw everyone following Lewis and doing easy yoga poses.

"Hey, you alright?" I heard Alex ask me.

"Yeah, I just wanted to shower and I didn't know where everyone else was. It's fine, I'll just go upstairs." I turned and walked up the stairs.

Alex's pov

"Anyone else concerned?" I asked.

"he 's not normally so reserved, Charles what happened today?" Seb said.

"I don't know, I know the team has been pushing him but he has never reacted in this way before," Charles said and stood up with Daniel and they made their way towards the room Carlos entered.

Charles's pov

I loudly knocked on his door and opened it. He was having a shower which was obvious as you could hear the water running, opening it further so daniel could get in we made our way to check the bathroom door which was locked. So we sat on the bed and waited. After 10 minutes we heard the shower turn off and the door clicked open to reveal Carlos stood there in just a towel around his waist. I might have been staring but that's not what matters.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked almost cautiously. He lifted his head to reveal his tired eyes and slowly shook his head. "Come here" I gestured. He made his way in between Daniel and me and leaned his head on Daniel's shoulder, I played with his hair as we sat in silence.

"Why can't I drive a car as good as you Charles?" He eventually broke down, sobbing into Daniel's shoulder.

"You and I know that is not true, during the test last season, you beat me 3 times. You wouldn't be a part of this team if you weren't good!" I try to console him. I get a few laughs but it slowly dies out.

"They tried to make me do a 1:09 at the circuit today," Carlos said nonchalantly.

"A 1:09 at this track they are insane! I only did a 1:11 and that was a push. Carlos, why are you letting them treat you like this!?" I said frustrated

"I don't exactly have a choice? I'm contracted and there's nothing I can do. But I'm going to make the best out of these extra sessions and improve." he said with confidence and stood up to grab some clothes.

"I like this side of you, feisty. Come back over here!" Daniel calls him back, and they start kissing passionately, eventually pulling away and Carlos pulls me towards them.

If you know you know.

"I just had a shower, for fucks sake" Carlos whispered.

"You're welcome" Daniel kissed him on the head as I walked towards the shower myself.

At that moment the door opened to reveal Lando.

"Oh shit! What the fuck why are you naked?! George save me!" he ran off slamming the door behind him.

"You're not as innocent as you think you are Lando!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear.

Lando's pov

I ran into where George was laying and belly-flopped onto him.

"What do I owe this pleasure Babe?" he huffed and pushed me off him.

"I walked into the room I'm meant to be sleeping in tonight to find Dan, Carlos and Charles naked, my innocent eyes were burnt so I thought I would come in here,'' I said with a disgusted expression.

"You are definitely not innocent love, actually far from it." a voice said from behind me.

"Oh come on Lewis let him live his innocent night, he definitely won't be like this tomorrow, will probably end up begging Seb." George laughed with lewis. Meanies.

I pouted and looked at Lewis, his face softened and he crawled his way in so I was in a Mercedes sandwich.

"Come on, let's fall asleep, we can talk in the morning. We've got a flight to catch." We ended up falling asleep like an hour later because someone wouldn't shut up next door.

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