Chapter 18

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Next morning (Sunday)

Lando's pov

I woke up in Lewis's arms and Checo's hand in mine. I gently untangle myself, making my way downstairs. As I reach the living room I spot Dan and Carlos's date still set up with the three of them cuddled on the sofa. I admire them for a few minutes, losing my thought. That was until I felt arms wrap around my waist, I swiftly turned around to see Lewis there.

"They're cute together, aren't they? Do you think she'll say yes?" I ask as I lean my head on his chest.

"They are very cute, we'll have to wait and see, won't we? But I'm hoping she will" he replied as we walked over to wake them.

Once everyone had been woken up and we had eaten, we decided that Anna should get ready for her 3rd date with George, Pierre and Sergio. I ran up the stairs to help her prepare. We got to her room and picked out a crop top and ripped jeans.

"You look amazing, I'm sure the others can't wait to take you on this date," I said as she looked in the mirror.


"Yes, love?" I asked as she turned around.

"Do you get jealous when I go out with the others because I keep feeling bad when I kiss you and then move on to Dan or seb? I'm sorry if you feel like I'm stepping on your toes, I shouldn't even be here I'm just going to run everything like I always do" she started rambling, and tears started to pour from her eyes. I hate that she feels this way, we all care for her.

"Hey, why are we crying? Each of us care about you and want you here. If we didn't trust you, you wouldn't be here. You kissing me was amazing and I loved it, I know Seb and Charles did. They weren't jealous, okay? We all want you to feel comfortable, so if you're not we can call this quits, I don't want to and neither do the others but this has to be your decision only.'' I said as I approached her and held her tight.

"Thank you Lando and I don't want to leave, I trust you boys and I want to see how it goes. But if any of you feel uncomfortable please let me know!" she says as she pulls away slightly.

"I promise," I said as we sat there for a few moments before I lean in and softly kissed her, my hands went on her face and she slipped into my hair." we should finish getting you ready, I know Pierre and the other two can't wait to take you out, so come on dry those tears!" I rushed her into the bathroom as she laughed.

When we had finished drying tears I took her downstairs again where she was met with the three who would take her to crazy golf.

Checo's pov

Once we arrived, I got everyone's clubs and balls and headed towards the first hole. We had booked this whole place out so it wouldn't be suspicious. When we started playing we all figured out how shit George was as he kept hitting the ball too hard sending it to the other hole, every time we would laugh and Anna would give me a small hug to make him feel better as he would also pout. After completing our round we started to walk back home, however, after 10 minutes Anna started to complain that her legs hurt.

"Come on jump up," I said as I bent down for her to jump on my back. Finally, she jumps up, but after another 5 minutes, I also hear Pierre complaining.

"You too? Come on you big baby" George says as he gets Pierre on his back.

We walked for another 10 minutes until we arrived home. Pierre had managed to fall asleep on George's back so he took him to their room, whereas Anna was wide awake and very energetic. I let her down and she ran right to Lando.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You were right, it was so much fun!" she said as she squeezed his waist. He laughed and hugged her back whispering in her ear.

I walked over and kissed Lando on his temple, " I don't know what we did but she seems to be happy" I said as I laughed and went to fetch some dinner for us.

Alex's pov

I walked upstairs to Pierre who had woken up, he had a bed head and still looked quite sleepy.

"Are you alright, love? Did today wear you out?" I said as I sat next to him massaging his scalp. he leant into my touch and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"I enjoyed it, I hope we can do that again but my muscles are really sore, I worked hard in the sim the other day," he replied.

"Why didn't you tell any of us, you know Lewis needs to know these things?"

"I know I should of but I didn't think it was that important, I wanted to go out today as well," he replied and pulled me closer to him.

"I get it, babe, how about I pour you a nice bath? And will you let me tell Lewis?" I asked cautiously as I signal for him to release his arms.

"Would you mind pouring me a bath? And you can tell Lewis I just don't want the lecture."

"Ok I'll go get your bath ready, and I'm going to have to tell him, love," I said as he and I got up and made our way to the bathroom.

Once we go there I started putting the water in with some bubble bath, when it was ready to tell Pierre to get undressed and get in, we see each other naked all the time so it doesn't bother us.

"I'm going to speak to Lewis, text me if you need me." I kissed his forehead and let him relax before heading downstairs to see Lewis and Seb helping Checo with cooking. I called for Lewis and ask him to follow me.

"What's up love?" he said as I sat him on the bed.

"I just went to see Pierre and he said his muscles were sore after the sim the other day. I don't think he was telling the truth because he seemed a bit worse than he should've been for just sore muscles. Anyway, I put him in the bath and told him to relax." I said as I looked at Lewis who was thinking deeply.

"I will go talk to him about it, if he doesn't tell me anything I might see how he is before we leave for Australia. Are you coming with me?" he said as he held a hand out for me, I grabbed it and pulled him towards the bathroom Pierre was in. when we entered we saw a relaxed Pierre with his eyes closed in the bath.

"Hey babe, Alex told me something was wrong, could you explain where it hurts?" Lewis said as he sat next to him leaning over to stroke his hair.

"My muscles are sore because of the sim earlier this week" Pierre responded quickly.

"Okay, I'll get you some cream then I want you to go to bed, if it gets any worse during the week then I'll have to call the doctor but for now Alex is going to look after you tonight then I will tomorrow just take it carefully." 

When Lewis left Pierre got out of the bath and we made our way to the bedroom, I got him to sit down and I started applying cream to his arms and his back. "Okay lie down and I want you to lean on your back, for now, try your best to sleep then turn around when the creams dried." He followed by instructions and laid down, I joined him after undressing and put my hand in his hair, stroking it softly.

Lewis's pov

I walked into the kitchen to see the boys and Anna sitting there eating, I walked around them and see if I could find the muscle cream.

"What are you looking for, love?" Seb said as I turned around with a puzzled expression.

"I can't find the muscle cream, do any of you know where it is?"

"It's in the shared bathroom, why do you need it?"

"Pierre's muscles are sore from the simulator so I'm fetching him cream, if it's not better before Australia I'm calling the doctor," I said as I stole a chip off Dan's plate, which I got a middle finger for. They told me to keep them updated as I walked out of the room.

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