17. prokupac

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"It's a misunderstanding," I rushed to explain.

"Really?" He paused for an uncomfortable amount of time, "several people overheard a conversation you had with Sasha."


"It's not like that," I frowned, shifting awkwardly, "Ymir was just joking, we aren't dating."

i really didn't want him to know about this right away

i didn't want him to know like this

i feel like shit

"Apologize to your fiance for causing this," he clicked his tongue, tone laced with disappointment. "I've let you get away with postponing this engagement. The Braun family isn't happy about this one and neither am I, fix this yourself."

"I don't plan on marrying him."

"I'm worried about you," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "first you sneak out of the house next you're going on strolls with criminals. If you keep this up your options will be limited, I don't want that for my daughter." For a second he sounded genuinely affectionate before his words sunk in.

"My options in marriage? I don't want to get married, not to anyone you're trying to set me up with-"

"I'm looking out for your future."

"I can do that myself."

"You can't even avoid dating rumors, I am having a very hard time seeing what you can do yourself."


"Would you rather the Ackerman or Smith boy?"

levi and erwin?

"I don't want-"

"They won't always be there, neither will your brother, you have to have some way of securing your future."

"You never married."

"You and I are different."

"You're right," I scoffed, "we are different."

"You're finally coming arou-"

"I'm actually finding my own success instead of hiding under a family name, so thank you for that I guess."

"Flirting with pirates is not finding your own success."

"Ymir and I have become what you never could, we're business partners."

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying- Ymir and I are working together, I'm abiding by your conditions and doing 'something significant.''"

i'm trying to prove myself to you

"I can't imagine it impresses positively on her reputation to be caught in dating rumors with someone else's fiance."

that's all on her then

"She's the one who started them. I doubt she cares."

i should've tried harder to clear up the mistake-

"Tomorrow I'll send someone to take you to apologize," a sense of finality laced his tone.

"I'm not getting married."

"We don't need to like each other, apologize." With that my father turned on his heel, abruptly leaving the room.

i need to get out-

"Don't even think about leaving, I'll assign someone to watch your door," his muffled voice called out to me as his footsteps receded down the hall.

im on the second floor- i probably won't be able to get down without assistance


she's probably too far away to notice me

Even so I looked out of the window, the sky lavender as the last pieces of sunset faded over the horizon.

she's probably back on the ship

My gaze travelled to the port watching as lantern light began to slowly fill the streets.

or in some tavern

"Hey idiot."

"Hello Y/N."

"I have never been happier to see you two," I beamed down at Levi and Erwin, the two of them stood by the front door looking up at me.

"Heard the rumor," Levi explained, moving to stand closer to my window.

"We figured your father did something, we've come to rescue you," Erwin chimed in, craning his neck to look at me.

they look so dumb

"Well hurry up- I'm supposed to apologize to Reiner's family tomorrow- I'm being held captive until then."

"One minute."

Erwin knocked on the door, waiting for a moment before a maid opened it.

"We're here for Y/N," Levi explained, glancing up at me.

"I apologize but she isn't receiving guests currently," the door was shut in their faces before either of them could get in a word of protest.

"My father," I sunk to the floor, my forehead pressed up against the cold window pane.

"Apologizing isn't that bad is it?" Erwin asked, clearly worried.

"No- but-" my voice faltered, "I don't think I'm going to be let off with just an apology."

im worried that the engagement process will get sped up

"We can't break into your house," Erwin frowned, "our families are business partners."

"I know," I paused, "you two should go home, I'll start preparing my apology."

who knows i could be totally wrong- maybe they'll be forgiving

gabi will laugh but

i guess that's not the worst thing in the world

but then-

what if the worst really does happen?

"Hey- idiot," Levi called up to me. "The person who got you into this situation should really be doing something about it."


"She has no idea-"

"No, not yet."

"What are you suggesting? I can't leave-"

"Use your brain for once," Levi sighed, turning to leave, "we'll be back soon."

i love you guys


"Y/N? Are you talking to someone?" An all too familiar voice cut me off.

"Myself, because you've confined me to a room."

"Nifa see to it that she has things to keep her busy," I overheard my father's muffled command as I paced towards my bed.

"Are you alright?" Nifa asked, slipping into my room.

"What do you think?"

"For what it's worth I don't think that the rumor is true," she frowned, coming to stand next to me. "I can't help you out, but if there's anything else you need."

"Don't risk losing your job," I shot her a small smile, "just something to eat."

with luck i won't be here for much longer


my brother insisted on making this the a/n for this chapter so: ur momurmomrur ur mom rur omom ur moom ur mo r ur om om ujr momom ur mom ur o ur mom ur mom ur mom ur mom ur mom ur mom ur momur mom ur mom jur mom ur mom ur mom ur mom ur ommo ur mom ur mom ur mom ur mm ur momm ur mom ur mom ur mom urmom rur mrornm rmromrmromrormroormr ur mom ur mom ur o=m=mom ur mom ur mom uyr mom ur omom ur mom ur moom ru omm ur mom ur mom ur mom ur mom ur mo

- ami

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