70. grenache gris

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"Hand her over at once," a man I recognized to be one of my father's bodyguards stood in front of the small ramp connecting the ship and the dock.

"That is your ship," I gaped, standing back with Ymir, hiding in the crowd.

maybe we should do something-

"Shh I want to know how they handle this," contrary to what you would expect Ymir was watching the entire situation gleefully.

"I don't know who you're talking about," Mikasa shouted back, folding her arms.

"I'm not available anyway," Hitch rolled her eyes, flipping him off from the pile of crates she was leaning against. "Get in line."

"I'm here for Lady L/N, not the likes of you," he shook his head in response, his hand reaching for the sword at his hip. "If you refuse to hand her over I have been given permission to take her forcefully."

oh wow


but ymir who respected my opinion the entire time isn't allowed to rescue me?

"Bastard," Jean spat out, "we don't have her."

"Then where is she?"

"Uh-" Eren's turn to speak, "good question."

"Eren-" Armin this time, "that sounds really bad."

"You bastards- you killed her."

"Whoa-" I gasped, "I didn't know I was dead."

"News to me," Ymir chuckled, pulling me closer to her side.

"Don't you think we should intervene?" I glanced back at the conversation, which seemed to be steadily escalating.

"No way," she shook her head, "I prefer to join in after all the hard stuff has been dealt with, let Mikasa and Eren rough him up a little bit."

"Oh, alright."

"Seriously, your father is such an idiot, you'd need more than one person for a job like this."

"How would you do it?"

"Well," she grinned, "for starters I wouldn't march right up to the ship, sailors are cautious, very few people want commotion like this on the docks."


"See, look over there," she pointed at a group of onlookers from another boat, "they're pissed the fuck off because this asshole is making it hard to do their jobs. If a fight were to break out they're likely to intervene, certainly not on the side of the idiot who started it."

"So? What would you do?"

"Watch the boat for a few days, figure out whether or not the person I'm looking for is even in the boat."

that would be a good place to start

"Wouldn't that be smart," I murmured in agreement, "it's not like I was hiding my presence."

"I know she's in there," the man was really shouting now."

"You're being disruptive," Mikasa responded firmly, "leave now."

"You leave me no choice," he pulled out his sword, taking a few steps towards the crew.

oh boy

"Cover your eyes," Ymir hummed, obscuring my vision with her hand.


"No this is going to be cool," I shook my head, pulling her hand away from my face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Armin sighed, looking away.

"Eren stand back," Mikasa pushed the brunette backwards, before addressing her rapidly approaching attacker, "are you sure about this?"

"What is there to be sure about?"

At this point Historia, who had been somewhere below deck, appeared, her gaze sharpening as she quickly assessed the situation.

"Mikasa, who told you to turn our guest away so rudely?"

"He wants Y/N."

"Oh," Historia chuckled, "sadly she isn't here, you'll have to come back another time."


"Oh but I assure you, I tell nothing but the truth."

"As if I would believe that," he spat, stepping onto the ramp, his sword at the ready.

"Who gave you permission to board our ship?" Her gaze hardened.

"What is a little girl like you going to do about it?"


"He shouldn't have said that," Ymir let out a low whistle.

"Mikasa, dispose of him."

"At your command," Mikasa nodded, lunging forward. In one fluid movement, despite being unarmed, she managed to kick him onto the dock.

that had to have hurt

"Don't kill him," Historia, took a seat next to Hitch, her eyes sparkling as she watched the spectacle.


Before he could even dream of standing up and reaching for his sword again Mikasa brought her foot down on his wrist, a loud crunch could be heard even from the crowd.


"Shall we steal all the glory?" Ymir leaned down, whispering in my ear.

"I'm scared of them now."

"Oh come on, they're doing this for you- let's go say thank you."

"Ok-" I murmured, placing my hand in hers, "hey if we ever break up- let's make sure it's on good terms."

"That won't happen-" Ymir grinned, pulling me through the crowd, "besides, who could hurt a princess like you?"


Mikasa had him pinned to the ground, heavily beaten by the time we arrived at the front of the crowd.


"Looks like we missed out on all of the fun," Ymir announced our presence loudly.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Historia called back.


"It was awfully entertaining," the two of us stopped in front of Mikasa who had stopped her relentless attack, as if awaiting new orders now that Ymir had arrived. "Good job, I'll take it from here."

"What are you going to do?" I frowned, looking down at the badly injured man.

im scared now-

"What do you want me to do?" Now Ymir was the one who looked like a dog receiving a command.

"Well-" I glanced back at the crowd.

this is a good chance to clear ymir's name

"I don't take kindly to people telling me what I can or can't do, and I certainly don't look fondly upon people who threaten my friends." Gasps rippled through the crowd at that last word.


"He could've damaged the boat-" I clutched Ymir's arm, playing it up, "I don't want to see him anymore- let's go back to our room."

"Is that what you want?" Ymir chuckled, kicking him sharply in the ribs.


"Well then my love, your wish is my command."


i cannot believe tht i hit 69 chapters last chapter and did not notice .... 

- ami

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