63. negroni

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For the past few days the only thing on the horizon had been sparkling blue water.

to be honest it was boring after the first three hours


ymir seems to be enjoying it

Honestly, I gave up scanning the horizon for anything interesting in favor of watching Ymir's eyes sparkle as her gaze remained ever focused on the vast expanses of water.


"There's no use trying to get the Captain's attention when she's like that," Jean sighed, staring absentmindedly at the two of us.

"No worries, I know that she'll always love the sea more than me," I chuckled, watching as Ymir's gaze flitted from the ship to the horizon and back again.

"Are you two talking about the Captain?" Armin who had been fully engrossed in the map he was using to navigate cut in.

of course

"I was just commenting on how happy she looks just staring at the ocean," I murmured, my gaze still trained on Ymir.

she really is cute when she's doing something she cares about

"That's true, you won't be able to get her attention when she's like that," Armin sighed, going back to the map.

"Jean said as much," I turned away from Ymir, glancing at the lower deck where the rest of the crew was sitting, idly chatting together. "How much longer do you think it will be?"

"At least another half a day? We took a couple shortcuts getting here, I doubt the Captain will want to take the same route back."


"Was that dangerous?" I frowned, glancing back at the aforementioned Captain who was still completely out of it.

"Who do you think we are?" Jean scoffed loudly. "Sure it was a little difficult but it was no issue, besides, the Captain was worried."

i guess i was out of commission

"Thank you for taking care of me," I paused, "I understand that it may have been difficult-"

i definitely burdened you

ymir agreed to help me

but none of them actually asked for any of this

"Work is work," Jean shrugged, "you probably would've been thrown off the boat by now if it was actually a problem."

that's reassuring

"I hope that never happens."

ideally i get on and off of this boat by my own free will

"Jean," Ymir finally snapped out of it, turning to the two of us, "are you bullying Y/N? Lay off-"

"'Course not!"

"It's fine Ymir, we were just talking about you," I chuckled, coming closer to her side. "What were you looking at?"

"Oh? And what were you saying about me?"

"I was talking about how much you love the ocean, that's all, nothing scandalous."

"Not as much as I love you," Ymir grinned, her hand finding my cheek.


"I wish you would believe me," she pouted, shaking her head at me.

"I'll try, no promises though," my hand found hers. "Have you thought about our arrival? Jean said we had a half day left."

i still really want to see her in that dress

"I'm still not sure Y/N," she frowned slightly, "how about we keep it a surprise?"

"Even from me?"

"Even from you."

"I don't think I'll be able to wait that long," I sighed dramatically, sitting down on the deck. "So? What were you looking at?"

"It's as you said, I was watching the ocean, at least one of us has to be working," she gestured to the rest of the crew, still busy chatting. "The water is clear and sparkling- it's easy to get lost in isn't it?"

"Mhmm," I murmured in agreement. "I hope that you're always able to find your way back despite that."

"Of course, who could stay away for long when there's someone like yourself waiting for them," Ymir grinned.

"That's a reassuring thought."

"You'll be waiting right?"

"Of course, who else would I ever want to wait for?"

"Good question."

"See? No worries, no one is going to steal me away."

"Well- there's always your father."

"That will fall through, Reiner already knows of my intentions- I doubt he feels any duty or obligation to go through with the marriage anymore."

we were friendly with each other but-

i have a very hard time imagining him ever feeling anything for me

and besides- he doesn't seem like the kind of person that would waste time chasing after something that could never be his

"Are you certain his family will feel the same way?"

"He's their soon to be successor- his situation is vastly different from mine."

im certain his family is uninterested in marrying their son off to a girl who ran away from home

"I have a hard time wrapping my head around why anyone would give up on you," Ymir sighed loudly, shaking her head in disbelief.

once upon a time you were very much ok with that

"I know, I'm wonderful aren't I?"

the sad part is that to a certain extent i do get why someone would give up on me

to a certain extent i understand the reasoning behind my father's decision to arrange a marriage between reiner and i

i don't think he's lying when he tells me that he does it because he's worried about my future


anyone with a brain would realize that if i was given the opportunity i could stand by myself

i can think about all of that when i get there

for now-



"I love you."

"Oh wow-" she gaped at me, her cheeks flushing, "love you too."


hee hee !

- ami

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