53. sherry

491 38 15

"I told you about Jean, didn't I? He's from some declining family," Ymir muttered. "Found him getting beat up in a bar."

that tracks

"I'm not sure he'd like you telling me that-"

"It's not like you thought that favorably of him before this," she chuckled. "He's interesting, knows way more than he lets on."

"I imagine that he was trained to be heir," I nodded. "You should have him do your accounting."

"Now why would I give you a reason to leave me?"

"Well I mean- when I'm gone you're going to need someone."

"Oh shut up."

just saying

"What about Hitch?"

"Oh, Hitch?" Ymir scratched her head, "I'm not sure when we found her."


"You're an unreliable narrator."

"You're just realizing that? Hold on-" she reached for my hand, flipping it over in hers. "Hitch tried to steal something from me, I think it was a necklace for a client? We caught her and well-"

"Someone like that is useful to you?"

"Pretty much."

"Do you do a lot of stealing?"

"Me? Of course not- I have plenty of people for that."

so you use your staff to commit crimes is what i'm getting at

"That's ominous," I paused. "Ok so then is Armin an assassin on the side or is he just in charge of navigation?"

"On occasion Armin assists Historia with important negotiations, other than that not really? Armin is normal."

that's not really saying a lot for your crew

i have to be honest i don't think any of them are normal

they are only more or less normal in comparison to each other

"Then what about Historia? Aren't the two of you close?"

"Historia and I?" Ymir seemed surprised that I would even ask, "that's true we are close."


"You say that like you've never thought of it before."

"I've known Historia the longest out of all of them, she's helped me through a lot," Ymir's gaze seemed far off whenever she talked about Historia.

i know there's nothing there but-

"How did you meet?" I pushed.

"We met in a warehouse back when I was just starting out," she hummed. "I was stealing something, can't exactly remember what but I guess it doesn't matter, I didn't get it."

"Did she stop you?"

"Nope, she scared the hell out of me though, so much so that I grabbed her hand and ran out of there, the rest is history."


"She just went with you? I mean I can see her agreeing to something like that now but-"

it isn't like she's some docile lamb

i heard her talking to my father

she can hold her ground just fine

"Well no," Ymir paused for a long moment. "Historia is strong, she didn't just follow me like that."

"So then what happened?"

"Well we ran together for a couple of blocks until the adrenaline wore off and I took a minute to stare at the girl I had been dragging behind me." Ymir's hands moved a lot as she spoke, she seemed excited to tell this story, "she was pissed off."


"So then naturally I followed her around for the next week until she warmed up to me, I'm persistent you know that."

"I do," some ugly feeling reared it's head when I thought about Ymir following around someone else. "Not once did you think she was cute?"

she is

"Historia is beautiful," Ymir nodded confidently, "of course I know that."

so have you-

"She is."

y/n you like historia

i do

i know i do

"Historia was the first member of my crew, I owe her a lot for that," she seemed nostalgic, a fond look falling over her features. "Don't know what I'd do without her."

it hurts somewhere

knowing that you're content to leave me

wouldn't you be much happier with someone who's always there?

"Do you really not?" I murmured unconsciously.

"Course not- you've got to keep constants like that close to you, anchor yourself down somehow."

you're right- a ship does need an anchor

but if historia is an anchor

i worry that i'm more like an unhelpful wind, pulling you in unwanted directions

in that case

i don't think you should worry- wind passes

"Are you really ok with doing this even though we're going to go our separate ways?"

"Sure, why not? I like you, you like me, or at least I hope you do."

"I do."

"Then there isn't an issue, we have limited time to act on these feelings, why bother with the future when we have the present to take advantage of."

because i crave permanence

because i want a future

because the future is the only thing i can choose for myself

because i want something more for our future

because i long for it now

"Would it be stupid to want more?"

"It wouldn't be stupid," Ymir's arm wrapped around my shoulders. "It's not stupid to want."


"But you and I both know that this isn't forever, you have your ambitions and I have mine, at some point they'll take us down different paths."

you're too nonchalant about this

"You're right, the future won't wait for us."

"No it won't, I still look forward to seeing what kind of person you'll become." She hesitated, "right now I want to learn who you are in your entirety, who knows if I'll get the chance to in the future."

my chest aches

"What would you do if Historia left you?"

"Ria? I would try to get her back."





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