65. black muscat

305 23 14

"Everyone is looking-" Ymir grumbled, glancing awkwardly side to side.


"You're something worth looking at," I hummed, smoothing out my own dress before stepping out onto one of the main streets.

"Your confidence is mine," she sighed, following quickly after me, "how far until their homes?"

"Just a little bit further-" I looked up the road, debating whether or not to go to Levi's or Erwin's first. "My guess is that they're in the Ackerman household-" I paused, grinning at Ymir, "which is good because Levi's mom loves me."


"I have competition?"

"She's his mom-" I hesitated for a second before answering.

"Took you too long," she chuckled.

"There it is," I pointed at a large building down one of the side streets, "Erwin's dad kinda scares me- I hope they're at Levi's."

i'm fairly confident that neither of them would send me back to my father-

but there's always a chance

i have ymir here- it's alright

"Did you often hang out at each other's houses?" Ymir seemed interested in knowing about every little piece of my life.

"Well- mostly mine," I shrugged, "we did other things too- but my house is the highest up on the hill- so it has the best view."

and it was funny watching them run up the hill

"Should we buy a house on the hill?"

"Wouldn't that be annoying?"


"Well- if I'm all the way up the hill it'll take me a while to meet you whenever you come back."

"Should I not show my devotion by running up a hill for you?"

"I'd much rather run out to meet you," I squeezed her hand tightly, "I've already spent a lifetime of staring at the harbor from afar."

a view gets boring surprisingly quickly

"A house by the water-" Ymir trailed off into thought. "I'll have Mikasa look for something tomorrow."

that seems a bit quick-

"Look- we're here," she cut off my train of thought, stopping in front of the Ackerman abode.

here goes nothing

"Listen if we aren't allowed in let's just-"

"Fight our way in?"

"Oh- uh- I was going to suggest that we run-"

"You lack imagination," she poked me on the nose, striding up to the door.


"Hello Lady Y/N, it's been awhile," the door swung open as soon as I knocked, a familiar maid greeted us with a wide smile. "I'll show you to the young master."

is erwin not here

"Thank you," I followed after her, gesturing for Ymir to keep up. The aforementioned sailor trailed a few feet behind, glancing around the house like she was planning her escape route, "nothing is going to happen, relax."

"You never know-"

"I know this place, believe me, we'll be able to make our great escape."

but seriously nothing will happen

"They're in the study," the maid pointed towards a large wooden door, before slipping away from the two of us.

ive really missed them

"We should go to the harbor-" Erwin's voice, tinged with anxiety, could be heard through the door.

"Relax, the idiot will find her way here eventually."

oh- good to know i'm loved

"It's been too long-"

"Relax," Levi again, exasperated.

"Erwin is right, the two of you were supposed to be waiting for me down at the docks," I burst into the room sighing dramatically, "it was going to be a beautiful reunion."

"See? What did I tell you?" Levi grumbled, rolling his eyes at me, "she can't be killed."

oh- have you tried?

"You'll never ever get rid of me."

"Oh fuck."

"Oh yes."

"Are you alright?" Erwin looked me over, frowning slightly, "your father didn't do anything?"

"No, not yet," I grinned, pulling him into a hug, "he's going to be really mad when he figures out that I was spending his money the entire time."

"I can tell what you've been spending it on," Levi nodded towards Ymir who was lingering in the doorway.

oh well!

"You have to splurge on good things."

"You succeeded?" Erwin raised an eyebrow.

"I never fail- the pirate is mine."

"I didn't know you saw me as a conquest?" Ymir chuckled, hesitantly entering the room.

"What they mean to say is that I succeeded in striking a deal with you," I glanced back over at her, "and I'm here to tell them that I got more than just some business deal."

well and also that i made it back in one piece

"Only a dumbass like you could possibly do something like that," Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "so I assume you have a plan?"

"Of course, we have a plan- a brilliant business idea that I'm afraid I can't share with my competitors."

"Smart," Erwin nodded, taking a seat.

he's taking this way too seriously

"Ymir, you should introduce yourself-" I made some room for her, "just ignore Levi he's always an asshole- Erwin is just fine though, even if he is a little bit of a stick sometimes."

i need better friends

"We've met before," she muttered, looking them over. "Although in far worse circumstances."

"Let's not relive that," Levi shook his head.

i'll ask about every embarrassing detail later

"You can just call me Ymir, you're her friend's no need to deal with any of the 'captain' bullshit."

"It's good to know that Y/N is in good hands," Erwin shot her a small smile, turning to Levi, "weren't we supposed to have another guest?"


At that moment a maid could be heard from outside the door- "Right this way young lord-"

is that-



- ami

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