41. viognier

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"Levi is a lot more of a trouble maker than he looks," I began, after pausing for a moment to figure out what story was appropriate to tell. "I mean he acts like he has a stick up his ass most of the time so it's always a little surprising to people when I tell them that he was the mastermind."

it wouldn't be surprising to anyone who really knows him

"That short asshole?"

"Yeah, he's pretty good at fooling people who don't know him but he's big into shit jokes."

they are both shitty and about shit

"I wouldn't have pegged some rich heir to a trading company to find something like that funny-" Ymir chuckled.

"Well, that wouldn't be the first time you were wrong about the child of a head of a trading company," I teased, winking at her.

"Don't act all high and mighty- you've been wrong about me too," she reminded. "Continue with your story."

"Oh right, ok so- Erwin and Mike tend to follow the rules, they always have." I shifted in my seat a little bit, "Erwin is always going on and on about greater causes and fighting for the future- not that it actually means anything but it makes for a really weird serious kid."

and mike-

"Mike is just kind of quiet, I think he just likes being around people and listening in on conversations. When we were younger he used to go up to strangers and smell them before introducing himself- so he's never been the most polite person by any means but that mostly comes from a lack of understanding social norms."

he doesn't mean to offend anyone- i don't think

"You'll have to introduce me to your brother one day."

"Ok, I will." I beamed at her, "so I think you can understand how the four of us got into a lot of trouble. I mean Levi's really exasperated and just generally irritated all the time but he's really smart and enjoys laughing at stupid shit. Erwin follows the rules but honestly half of the time we would do things just to get a good reaction out of him, and Mike is really just along for the ride."

as for me-

"Then what did you do?"

"Well I was the face of course- I mean who would suspect me of being in on it- I'm delicate and precious."

although that sort of innocent flower act stopped working when we became teenagers


"We would spill ink all over our textbooks and then our tutor would get mad and I would burst into tears and pretend to be sorry about it, Levi would look all surprised that it happened as if he wasn't the one who thought of this plan to get us out of studying." I paused, taking in the wide, gorgeous smile that Ymir was sporting. "Erwin would at this point get all upset at the teacher who was yelling at me and tell him to stop it at once, and then we would all be let out early to go play."

really a master plan

and we were only nine!

geniuses since birth

"Your poor teacher," she laughed. "I can only imagine."

"There were other things but-" I hesitated, "maybe I should tell you another time, it's embarrassing."

"What secrets about my childhood do I need to trade over for that?"

"Is that really all it takes?" I sat up eager to hear more.

"I was joking, we'll both learn about each other with time."

"That's slightly disappointing," I sighed.

i want to know more

"Normally when pretty women ask me to talk about myself we're naked the morning after, be patient Y/N."


"Could you do that for me?" She asked again, I felt heat rise to my cheeks instantly.


im not sure how patient i can be though-

"You know- if I didn't cause so much trouble with Erwin and Levi I probably would be engaged to one of them now."

an arranged marriage of course

but i could've lived with it

especially because they know that im not into men

it would just be like living at a friend's house

i wouldn't have minded that as much

"Whatever you're thinking about, stop it."

"Ok ok, I'll stop."

"I'm happy you're here, don't even think about any alternate timelines."


"Neither of them captain boats, don't worry you have zero competition."

i mean from the beginning they were never options-

The faint sound of the office door opening, cut through the comfortable silence that settled on the two of us after our conversation.


"Sounds like it."

"I'm starving, all that walking around earlier tired me out," I stood up walking to the door. "Should I bring it in for the two of us to eat in bed?"

and then we can go to sleep

"That sounds lovely."

"Will do."

I walked back in, carrying a charcuterie board and bottle of wine that someone had set on Ymir's cluttered desk.

feasting like kings

"They clearly think something more romantic is happening in here," Ymir stood up to help me carry some of it the last couple feet over.

thank you

"I don't know- talking about the past is pretty romantic."

"Who knew you were so easy to please, have I really won you over that easily?"

"Maybe with a couple more."

"I'm sure I have it in me somewhere," Ymir poured each of us a glass.

well then- i look forward to it


sorry for the late update!


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