72. catarratto

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"Official letters from the Ackerman, Smith, and Braun families-" Armin deposited a short stack of envelopes onto my desk. "- and contracts with a few craftsmen, a representative from the Ackerman family delivered it earlier today."

"And here's the deed to the storefront," I hummed, gathering everything into a pile. "Is that really everything?"

an entire escape plan contained in this small pile

"Stop worrying about it," Ymir shook her head, "worst comes to worst we run away again."

"I thought you were going to suggest something much more violent," I chuckled. "Like throwing my father out of a window."

"I've thought about it."


"You said no, and I like you or whatever so I guess I'll listen," she rolled her eyes sarcastically.

love you too

"We won't run away this time, it'll be successful, I know it." I murmured, just as much for myself as for the other people gathered in the ship's office.

if i repeat that one hundred times will i start to believe it?

i hope so

better start now-

"I believe you," Ymir squeezed my hand, "believe in yourself."

"I'm trying."

"If everything fails we can always start over, I won't give up on you," she continued.

"Should we just rip the bandaid off?"

"And march up to your father?"

"Yeah- we have everything, time from here on out will just be spent worrying about every possible outcome."

a bit depressing

"Your wish is my command."

"If I command you to bring me back to the boat right now will you?" I murmured, Ymir and I stood in front of the building I had called home up until a few weeks ago, the other members of the crew were hiding a street away in case things went poorly.

"Too late now, whether you like it or not we're here."

"We can always turn around- it's not like they've seen us."

"They definitely have."

"Maybe they haven't-"

"Lady Y/N?" A maid opened the front door, "your father would like to speak with you."


"I'm actually ok-"

"Let's go Y/N," Ymir nudged me forward.

"Right this way," the two of us were guided down familiar hallways and up the stairs until we stopped in front of an all too familiar office door.

and just down the hall-

"That's my room," I pointed towards the door at the end of the hall. "Much nicer than the one we're about to go into."

"I'll believe it."

"You haven't changed at all," my father greeted the two of us, his frown deepening.

am i really that much of a frustration?

"No point changing something that's already perfect," Ymir scoffed.

"I don't remember inviting you here," he addressed her dismissively.

we're kinda a package deal

"I asked her to come," I cut in, "you aren't going to get me without her, so decide now. Do you want to talk? She's staying if that's the case."

"She can stay," he conceded, turning his focus onto me, "what will it take for you to behave?"


"What will it take for you to leave me alone?"

"Answer my question first."

"I think I've been acting perfectly fine," I grumbled, "you're the one who's been causing a scene at the docks."

"Because you ran away."

"Because you locked me in my room," I frowned, "what choice did I have? The engagement with Reiner wouldn't have worked out anyway- and you know that no matter how much you insist that it was for my sake- it wasn't."

"That's not-"

"Hey- listen to her-" Ymir cut him off.


"Don't do anything to her- I'll walk right out of here," I threatened.

"You won't."

"I will- I don't need you."

that's the truth

"What has any of this gotten you?" I frowned, "if you were really doing this for my sake you would've dropped it ages ago."

i've proven myself time and time again

"So? What do you want from me?" He shook his head, turning away from the two of us.

"I don't want you to do anything except leave me alone."

"I can't do that."

"If you refuse then I have no choice but to make you, I'm serious about this." I paused, "Ymir and I are starting a business, I don't want you to be in a position where you can ruin that for me just because you want to."

like you've done for everything else

"I can do what I wa-"

"No, you can't," I handed him the stack of envelopes, "step down."

"You-" he quickly thumbed through the letters from each family.

"Mike is willing to take over, and face it- you've been on borrowed time from the moment I ran away."

everyone knew that i wasn't interested in the engagement

you sent people after ymir and i because you were desperate

you wanted me back because it would hurt your business if i stayed away

"You've made a huge scene sending people down to the docks every day, everyone knows-" I continued to explain, "even if you had convinced them that I had been kidnapped, everyone knows that that was a lie."

by now anyway

"Step down."

"Just like that?"

what do you mean

"It's not 'just like that' this is the result of all of your actions- no one is pushing you out 'just like that.'"

if i didn't have a valid reason i wouldn't have gotten the support of the Ackerman, Smith, and Braun families

"Face it," Ymir chuckled, "you lost the moment you locked her up."


"It doesn't matter if you don't agree with it- you don't have a choice anymore."

"This is the end."



feeling much better! my sinus infection has disappeared <3

- ami

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