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Cheers and chaotic yelling crowded the hallway. A large crowd was around two specific people.
They pushed and shoved to get a real show as their senseis tried to pull petite Uzumaki Naruto off of another academic shinobi who was getting his ass handed to him.

"What did you say about my fucking parents fuck ass?!" Naruto sent another punch into the guys jaw, cutting his knuckles worse than before.

Iruka tried to pull Naruto off but the blonde had his usual death grip on the boys collar. Asuma and Guy also tried to help Iruka get Naruto off of the poor 15 year old but it didn't work. Far from worked actually, they completely failed.

His head snapped up at the booming tone that called his name. Kakashi stood in front of him with a cold look in his dark eyes.
Naruto clenched his jaw, making it harder for his breathing to even out but making it easier to not whimper in fear of what his dominant alpha supervisor may do to him.

Kakashi walked up and grabbed a hold of Narutos shirt, pulling him up to his feet and away from the boy.

"You've got the other kid right?"
Iruka nodded and Kakashi walked off, dragging Naruto with him.

When they entered Kakashis class, that had no students seeing he had no classes to teach only being a supervisor over the blonde Uzumaki, of course. Kakashi slammed the door shut and Naruto jumped back in surprise.

"This is the third fight you've been in this week. We get a new student tomorrow and as every sensei has said, we need to keep a good image." He growled out.
Naruto clenched his bloodied fists and stuffed them onto his pockets.
"It's not my fault. People need to learn to shut their fat mouths before I put my fist through their torsos."

Kakashi backed Naruto into a corner and sent his gaze downwards while Narutos sent his up the towering man.

"A week without punching someone in the face Naruto. That's all us senseis are asking from you."
"Tch. Your not a sensei, your a supervisor for the demon child." Naruto spat.

Narutos known about his position as the nine tails jinchuriki for as long as he can remember. It came no surprise to him when he met the kyuubi in a sewer like prison where the kyuubi was held in a cage.
People have called him a demon, monster and even murderer since he was a baby.

Kakashis eyes softened and he sighed through his dark blue mask.

"Naruto you aren't a demon." He wiped some of the blood from the guys bloody nose off of Narutos cheek but Naruto pulled away from his touch. "Your just a troublemaker."
"The villagers don't agree with you Kakashi. How can you even see it that way when I killed your sensei, my father."
Kakashi momentarily clenched his fists before he gave Naruto an answer, "Because it was the kyuubi who killed Minato not a few hours old child."

Naruto didn't meet Kakashis eye and he sighed. He went to place a hand on Narutos whiskered cheek but pulled back, already knowing the young Uzumaki would dodge his touch.

"Get yourself cleaned up, class is soon and we wouldn't want you to be late again."

Naruto frowned but replaced it with a stoic look as soon as Kakashi looked back at him.
Kakashi slid the door open and Naruto walked out, heading for the Sakura tree outside. It's not like anyone would notice he was gone anyways.

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