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"Hand her the cat! Hand her the cat!" Naruto hissed.
Kakashi sighed and took the brown cat from its cage to hand it to Madam Shijimi. Sasuke and Naruto watched as she practically killed the cat by squeezing her against her fat chest.

Sasuke looked down at Naruto who breathed deeply and exhaled in relief.

"Jiji I'm so fucking done with your shit!"

Naruto kicked the door open and Kakashi sighed.

"Naruto you can't just-"
"He'll give you your missions later. We need to talk about the god damn CHORES I've been getting none fucking stop! So go go!"

Naruto waved the Anbu away and Kakashi ran a hand down his covered face. Hiruzen sighed.
He knew Naruto would break from the boring missions sooner or later. Though he didn't actually expect the petite omega would be disrespectful to the Anbu seeing he's always had an amazing relationship with them.

Naruto jumped onto the desk, making papers fly everywhere as he stared, narrowed eyes at Hiruzen.

"Did I do something to anger you?! Like come on, does it seem like I can handle running around the fucking village looking for a stupid cat with perverted Uchiha over there and useless Haruno?! Like come on! Give us a real mission if your going to stick me with nuisances."
"Hey! Sasuke-kun and I aren't nuisances!"
"She let go of the god damn cat! Jiji I'm begging for an actual mission where I can punch someone."

Hiruzen sighed and looked at Kakashi.

"What do you think Kakashi."
Kakashi cleared his throat when Naruto spun to look at him.
"Well.." he looked at Sakura who definitely couldn't handle anything but a D-rank right now... then at Sasuke who could easily do a C-rank with Naruto and him. Kakashi than looked at Naruto who you could easily tell was about to kill Sakura just to go on a mission than isn't D-rank.

After carefully looking over his Genin again, Kakashi went to say it would be to early unlike the other teams but Naruto clapped his hands together in a plea.
That only made him reconsider everything.

Only Hiruzens groggy voice brought him out of his conflicted state.

He sighed. "A low C-rank is the best they could do."

Naruto jumped and spun to crouch in front of Hiruzen. Hiruzen sighed at the glimmer in Narutos eye telling him to give them the mission right now or he'll hurt someone.

He pulled a file from a large pile and Kakashi pulled Naruto off of his desk.

"A low C-rank. You'll be escorting a master bridge builder named Tazuna to his village than staying until he is done building the bridge. You will also help with building the bridge if not training."

Naruto stepped closer to Kakashi before the door could fly open, and knock him into Sasuke.
Sakura took the chance however and clung onto Sasukes arm. Sasuke shot Naruto a look, knowing the blonde had done that on purpose but the blonde only smirked.

Two Anbu bowed and sunk into the ground as the drunken bridge builder dramatically took a glance from the left to the right.

"I-I ask-t for shinobi.. not, brats." The client slurred.
"Says the old drunken man who can't stand still." Naruto grumbled.

Tazunas head whipped to him. He crouched but stumbled to not fall over.

"What are, ah yoh?"
"Excuse me?" Kakashi held Narutos arms so he wouldn't punch the drunken man for asking about his status.
"Tazuna this is team 7. They will be escorting you to the Wave village and helping you finish the bridge." Hiruzen introduced.

Tazuna howled a laugh.

"With omegas?!" He pointed at Naruto and Kakashi picked the thrashing Uzumaki up.
"Kakashi and Sasuke are alphas. Naruto is our dominant omega and is just as qualified as them, he has more technique than Sasuke even."

Sasuke casted an annoyed look. No omega was dominating over him.

Tazuna clicked his tongue.

"I'll take the two alphas." He lifted two fingers.
"That's not how it works fuck ass!"
"Naruto stop!"

Kakashi held his forearm against Narutos chest with the petite blonde pressed against the wall.

"Once you sober up and are all packed to leave, they will leave the village with you and won't leave until your job is done."
Hiruzen than dismissed them and Naruto elbowed Kakashi. He grunted and let the omega go.

"I'm gonna kill him."
"You won't."
Naruto shot Sasuke a look. "And why not?! Because he actually accepted you because your an alpha." Naruto mocked before scowling. "This is why I hate the fucking system. You betas and alphas think your so much better just because girls with your status can only conceive children! Only if you knew what omegas go through while you sit on a throne of gold."

Sasuke clenched his fists as Naruto flashed away in yellow. Kakashi sighed.

"Get ready. We'll be meeting at the west gate tomorrow morning."
Sasuke clicked his tongue. He pushed Sakura away but she still followed like a little puppy.

"I don't get why you let him talk with such disrespect."
Kakashi sighed deeply before looking at the naive dominant alpha. "You can't exactly blame him when you yourself be-little him for being a dominant omega."
"I don't be-little him." Sasuke growled.

Kakashi stopped and gave Sasuke a look.

"I've heard how you talk to him Sasuke. Respect goes both ways and if you want Naruto to actually start warming up to you, I'd let go of that pride before Naruto completely despises you. He isn't like other omegas who'll fall to their knees, he knows what it's like to be taken advantage of and he won't let you in unless you show he isn't just a lower class status to you."
Kakashi clapped Sasukes shoulder. "You can still show your dominance toward Naruto, but you can't hold him on his knees by chains, he'll only try to escape."

Sasuke shrugged Kakashis hand off.

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