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Naruto held onto the wall of the bridge. His stomach felt like fire and his legs were barely supporting him as they shook uncontrollably.

"Kit it's too early for you to be fighting let alone using chakra."
"I can't just leave them Kura."
"If those wounds open again, you will and they'll have to bury you."
"Than are you helping or not? Remember, if I die you die and if you die I die. We're one person in this right now."

Kurama breathed deeply, extremely annoyed he was going to give into Naruto.

"You always get your way."
"Hehe.. I learned it from you."

Naruto grabbed a scroll from the back pouch on his pants and rolled it out. He glanced at the ninja Sasuke was fighting defensively against and ran his fingers over the seals until he wiped his blood on one.

"Ice ninjutsu against ice ninjutsu."
"You suck at ice ninjutsu."
Naruto didn't answer, suddenly finding a nerve hit by the damned fox who also sucked at ice ninjutsu.
He pulled the flute out and put the scroll back.

Naruto positioned his fingers where they should go and put it against his puckered lips. With the first note, a large gush of icy wind came from behind Naruto.
(What he's playing at the top... kinda)
Kakashi stopped fighting Zabuza who was acting like his clones and distracting him as Haku fought Sasuke.

In Zabuzas eyes, a man with long spiky crimson hair was behind Naruto. He towered over the petite Uzumaki as he too, played a flute with his formal clothing that consisted the colors of orange and red.

Naruto appeared on top of Hakus ice prison, the ice slowly melting under his feet the longer he played.
Even with Zabuza, Kakashi and even Tazuna under a trance. Haku began to throw rapid groups of senbon needles at Sasuke, knowing what his ice melting under Narutos feet meant.

Sadly he was in the dark of Narutos full extent in any Justus technique.
With another powerful note, the ice shattered and Naruto landed on the senbon needle floor soundlessly, though Haku was practically thrown to the floor.

Ice layered the floor, than snow and a rapid blizzard. The snow flakes cut Hakus and Zabuzas skin, leaving the others unharmed.

It was working.
The jutsu was working but Narutos body was fighting against him.

He would barley stand leaning against the wall and with no support, plus using chakra. His fingers trembled and barely got the correct notes while his breathes couldn't last long enough to cause serious damage.

Naruto tried to clench onto the flute, to keep it playing...
but as soon as the silver instrument hit the ground, Kurama disappeared and Zabuza threw his sword with Haku throwing senbon needles.

Kakashi deflected the sword heading toward his injured student with his own katana while Sasuke blocked the senbon needles with Naruto behind him.
Sasuke glanced over his shoulder and caught Naruto before he could fall to the ground.

Naruto held his stomach, trying to suppress the pain and clutched onto Sasukes shirt while the alpha Uchiha held onto his waist.

"You wake up and do this, your incredibly reckless."
"Ya well... I saw how much you were sucking.." Naruto whimpered. "and knew I couldn't loose you.." Sasuke felt a heat of pink reach his cheeks. "I would suffer with that Haruno bitch alone."
A deep sigh escaped Sasukes lips. And here he thought Naruto was finally submitting to him.


They looked over from their little moment. Narutos eyes widened but he knew he couldn't get there in time.


With a blink of an eye, Haku was in front of Zabuza and Kakashis hand was lodged deep inside of the boys chest.
Kakashis eyes widened in slow motion like Zabuzas. Haku coughed, blood trickling down his chin as Kakashi took his now bloody hand out and Zabuza caught his son.

Zabuza clenched Hakus shoulders and grabbed his sword.
"You killed him!"

This time it was Kakashi being protected as Narutos own katana clashed with Zabuzas executioner blade.

"Naruto." Kakashi breathed, stunned yet breathless.

Naruto could barely stand, yet he still got there in time to protect Kakashi from Zabuzas killing blow.. when he just watched Kakashi kill someone.
Actually... kill someone.. and yet he still protected him.

"Move it pipsqueak."
"You'll have to kill me first."

Clap... clap... clap.

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