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Sasuke looked over from talking to Kakashi who was sitting on top of a tree branch.

Ever since the Wave mission, Hiruzen had forbidden them from C-rank because one, they didn't turn back when it was clearing going to turn into an A-rank and two, Naruto had gotten extremely hurt and possibly could've died.

He raised an eyebrow when he noticed it was Naruto staring at him. But it wasn't that cute 'I have a crush on you' stare, no, his eyes were squinted with a questionable expression on his whiskered face.

"What?" Sasuke growled, seeming to have calmed down from trying to control the petite Uzumaki.
Naruto raised his chin away from Sasuke. "Nothin'."

The only made the Uchiha annoyed. Kakashi sighed when Sasuke walked over to the blonde omega and grabbed his collar from on top of the stomp.

"Got a problem Uzumaki?"
"Why would someone ever like you?"

That only made Sasukes eye twitched.

"What the hells that supposed to mean?"
Naruto waved Sasukes hand away and laid down on the stump.
Sasuke growled, finding that extremely annoying.

He was trying to be nicer. He thought Naruto would've warmed up to him by now but no. Naruto would barely even notice him and Kakashi. He wouldn't stick around to train after the daily mission or even cling to Kakashi when him and Sasuke were fighting.
It was weird but annoying and Sasuke was getting over it and quick.

Sasuke grabbed Narutos shirt and threw him over his shoulder.

Naruto kicked his feet as Sasuke began to walk away with him as if it was usual.
Kakashi only stared at them dumbfounded. "Hey we still have that mission!"
Sasuke only waved a hand in acknowledgment before jumping away.


Naruto was finally let go and put on the floor of Sasukes fancy three bedroom, four bathroom apartment —seeing a 15 year old needed all of that when living alone.

"This is called kidnapping!"
"You wouldn't talk in front of everyone else. Now tell me what the hell is going on in that anger issued mind of yours."

Naruto hit Sasukes foot away before he could push Naruto with it. His arms folded again with an annoyed look.

"Why would you care? I'm only an omega in your eye."

Sasuke crouched and Naruto gave him a weird up and down look.

"And plus... your the one acting different. I've only caught you glancing at my ass not shoving your face in it."
Sasuke gave him an annoyed look. "I'm trying to be supportive here."
"It's not working."
"Fine." Sasuke lunged forward, capturing Naruto between the hardwood floor and him. "Better?"

A large shiver ran down Narutos spine to the end of his bare toes. Sasukes voice was erased of any peppiness —not like there was any to begin with— and his look was intimidating.
Being the screwed up kind of person Naruto was, he found it somewhat of a turn on. He didn't know why, this was the same ass who would treat him like nothing but an object. To anyone with half a mind, they would also agree he was retarded or had some major mommy and daddy issues.

Naruto gulped. "Would you back up again if I said no?"
Sasuke didn't respond but the look in his dark eyes gave the answer.

Sasuke inched closer until his lips were lightly pressing against Narutos neck. He leaned forward, completely capturing Narutos neck when the petite omega didn't push him away.
Narutos eyes were snapped shut. He could feel the warm moisture of Sasukes tongue run over the skin the alphas teeth had captured.

Naruto gasped and pressed his palm against Sasukes chest. He could feel when Sasuke began to suck on his skin.
It felt so weird... and why wasn't he pushing Sasuke away? Did he actually like being controlled how Sasuke controlled him?
No. No he couldn't. He couldn't live with Sasukes attitude toward him his entire life...
But what made Sasukes attitude so bearable? Why was he ok with it?

Naruto gasped again before chewing his bottom lip between his teeth. A tingling kind of sensation ran through the new spot Sasuke chewed on.

"Sasuke.. s-Sasuke s-stop."

Naruto was ignored.
Instead the back of his neck was grabbed onto before his back was lowered onto the cold floor with Sasuke completely over him.
His back arched at the feeling of Sasukes lips detaching from his red spotted skin and the dominant alphas cold fingers running under the lining of his pants.

"Be glad Naruto, I'm going back to how I was." Sasuke leaned toward Narutos ear. "But this time I won't wait for you to warm up."

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