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Naruto caught Sakura who had been thrown into the air by a weak attack against one of Zabuzas water clones.
He sat her down and ran his kunai through another one, though it only made two.

Naruto clicked his tongue and looked at Sasuke who obviously didn't know who they were fighting or about Mist shinobis sinly techniques.

"Sasuke get Tazuna and Sakura out of here. The beta will tell you where his house is."
Sasuke looked at Naruto as if he was mentally retarded before clashing weapons with another clone.

The clones were truly getting annoying. All Naruto wanted to do was get over to the river where Kakashi was currently fighting Zabuza. Though that's what the clones were there for, to keep Naruto and the other three back from helping Kakashi who had purposely engaged with the Rouge Mist shinobi.
His hope was that Naruto got the cue and got out of there... but much to his displeasure, Naruto wasn't one to back out.
... especially when someone he cared about was in danger... but did Kakashi know Naruto cared about him? Of course not, that meant Naruto had to actually tell him and he wasn't going to do that anytime soon.

"You're fucking insane if you think I'm going to quit a fight."
"Against what?" Sasuke shot Naruto a look but the blonde was currently on Tazunas other side. "We're fighting fucking water and if you just got-"
"Than you do it. I'm not leaving."
"Right 'cause it's not like the water clones would demolish you and than Kakashi wouldn't just have to worry about getting his stupid ass out of here, but his moronic student to."
"What is your fucking deal? Can't you just say that I can bring just as much as you and fucking Kakashi. I'm an-"
"Alpha. Yada yada yada! It doesn't matter that your an alpha Sasuke, you can't dominant me in fighting technique or jutsus and you fucking know it! I need Kakashi to put his hitai-ate over his god damn sharingan again before I have to carry his dead weight body but the longer we fight, the higher the chance of that happening! HAPPENS!!"
"What the hells different between Kakashi and I?! I see no difference and I can actually use the sharingan without needing to be hospitalized!"
"The difference is your fucking compassion! You don't give a fuck who it is, if they aren't a fucking dominant alpha like yourself you think you have to prove a point and make them feel as if they are nothing until they are suffocating just to breathe air you don't! Kakashi on the other hand knows what being compassionate to his teammates and students means! He actually knows when to shove his pride down his throat and let someone else lead means! That's what being a shinobi is! Learning when to take orders and when to disobey them!"

Sasuke clenched his shaking fists. Naruto was royally pissing him off and he was about to fucking pummel the petite Uzumaki.

"So do as I, an omega, fucking says for once! And get your, the betas and Harunos fucking asses out here so Kurama and I can do something worth fighting to do!"

The question flashed in Sasukes head for a moment but only a moment.

Two more clones appeared and Naruto went to use a fire jutsu to finally get rid of them... but stopped as he watched Kakashi fall into the river and appear in a water prison.
His kunai shook in his fists. His jaw clenching and body tending.

The feelings Naruto was trying to surpass, the emotions he was trying to hide, weren't letting him do as he wants.
He couldn't move, he couldn't pry his eyes off of Kakashi trying and hopelessly failing to get out of the water prison.., and he couldn't react when a clones sword swung into his abdomen, making him fly into rows upon rows of trees.


Naruto shook as he clenched the vest that was slowly being stained red. He bit his cheek to keep a cry down and looked at his shaking to see the thick liquid staining his inner palm.

"It's just an injury. Remember the ones the villagers put you through."
Naruto bit his un-stained hand as he stood.

Sasukes eyes widened as a flash of yellow passed in front of his eyes and the clones dropped into only puddles.

A kunai flashed in front of Zabuzas face as a large shuriken came his way. His eyes widened in fear as a flash of Namikaze Minato flashed through his mind.
The famous kunai read, 'Gatcha Bitch'.

In fear and instinct, Zabuza threw his blade toward the shuriken heading at him at god knows what speed.
The sound of metal cutting into flesh made Kakashi yell out, knowing it was Naruto. Only Naruto used Minatos kunais.

And sure enough, Naruto poof'ed from the shuriken. Kakashi banged on the water prison as Naruto body splashed into the water.


Zabuza smirked. "One wimpy Genin down, two more to go."
"What genin?!"

Naruto dug a kunai deep into Zabuzas arm and wrapped his leg around his thick neck, sending him into the water and his arm pulling out of the water barrier reluctantly.
Naruto put Kakashis arm around his shoulders, the elder just staring at the petite blonde who could barely stand on water when they last trained since he retired from the duty of Anbu Captain.

Naruto didn't give Kakashi any room to speak as he forced the hitai-ate over the sharingan, forcing it to deactivate as he did a one handed jutsu.

Water rose from all four sides, creating a barrier as Zabuza crawled back onto the water.

"Gatcha bitch."
Zabuza looked up to be flooded into the forest from the strong, almost life threatening waves that crashed down by the four sided water barrier.
Naruto jumped onto a branch with Kakashi beside him.

Naruto clutched back onto the vest, finding it hard to keep his eyes open.

"We... we need to get rid of him."
Kakashi nodded and pulled a kunai from his leg pouch but a group of senbon needles being lodged into Zabuzas neck stopped him.

A hunter nin from the mist village hopped down and took Zabuzas dead weight body. Disappearing in a swirl of leaves.
Kakashi stood in an instant, knowing that wasn't a hunter nin. Hunter nins killed on the spot, they didn't have the luxury to set something up for a traitor shinobi.

He jumped down, expecting Naruto to follow seeing he also had a sixth sense for that stuff.. but Sasukes voice cut through his thoughts.

"Kakashi! Naruto!"
Kakashi turned around and looked up just in time to barely catch Naruto in his arms.

Kakashi shook the petite Uzumaki lightly as he knelt.
Kakashi shook him harder.

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