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"So he's catching on?"
Sasuke nodded. "I didn't expect him to be so quick."
"It's Naruto. We shouldn't be surprised."
He clicked his tongue. "Narutos apartment was ransacked."
Kakashi looked up at him from his book. "It finally happened huh?"
"What do you mean finally? No one else in this damned village gets their apartments ransacked."
"Well no one else is the nine tails jinchuriki. People in this village like to say he gets special treatment."
"Special treatment my ass."
Kakashi hummed and sipped the rest of his coffee.

"Another cup?"
They looked up at the young waitress.
"No. We're just waiting for someone."
She nodded and walked off to fill another gentleman's coffee mug. Sasuke looked at Kakashi.
"Who are we waiting for?"

"Hey! You get out! We don't serve killers!"
The two looked over to see Naruto glaring at the front man.
"It's not my fault the dumbass chose this place."
Someone grabbed the scruff of Narutos shirt and seethed at him.
"Out animal."

Kakashi grabbed a hold of the man's shoulder as Sasuke pulled Naruto into his chest.
"Oh my hero's are here." Naruto rolled his eyes.
"Try to be a little grateful Naruto." Kakashi sighed. He looked at the front desk man. "Narutos with us. If you have a problem than your more than free to kick Uchiha Sasuke and I out as well."
Sasuke looked over his shoulder at the man and he gulped.
"Keep him away from the other customers." He spat.
Sasuke glared. "Keep your hands from Naruto."

Naruto allowed Sasuke to pull him to a seat in the back where Sasuke and Kakashi had previously been sitting. Naruto took his scarf off but kept his jacket on.

"I heard your apartment was ransacked. Where have you been sleeping?"
"It happened two nights ago." Naruto sighed. "First night I somehow fell asleep in that Antarctic place and the second night I stayed at your place remember?"
"Oh yes. I must've woken up early."
Naruto rolled his eyes. He tried to ignore the stares of the staff as he looked around. "Who else are we waiting for?"
"Of course." Naruto sighed.

"Anything else to drink or eat?"
The three looked at the waitress who was clearly forced to come over here. She eyes kept darting to Naruto and he rolled his eyes.
"Naruto want anything?"
"No I'm fine."
"I'm sure your hungry."
"Im fine."
"I said I'm fine damnit let it go!"
The woman quaked as Narutos barking tone. He ignored her. Kakashi sighed.
"Just another cup of coffee."
"Make it two."
She nodded and quickly walked off.

"... why was she so scared?"
"Because the demon came out of me." Naruto rolled his eyes at his own exasperation.
"Your a shinobi they should show some respect."
"It doesn't matter what you do it's what people see you as. In my case I'm the demon. The nine tails jinchuriki. Im not human to these people." Naruto waved a hand at the other guesses.
"That's bullshit."
"It's life. Everyone has their own ranking in peoples eyes. Plus the villagers think they know best because they "work for konoha" and "slave away". We have D-rank missions because those people want to be lazy and not do their share of the work."

Naruto yawned and laid his head on the table as another woman, older than the last, came up and poured Sasuke and Kakashi their coffee. Sasuke pulled Naruto closer to him when the middle aged woman glared at him. She looked up at the Uchiha and Sasuke waved his hand as if dismissing a slave.
She walked away muttering something along the lines of "Ungrateful brat bringing the demon into my shop."

"We won't be allowed back here." Kakashi sighed.
"My bad." Naruto waved his hand in the air. "Forgot to kill myself this morning."
"Don't joke about that."
"Please. Everyone would be a lot happier if I did. Of course this damned fox cares more about living than I do so you don't have to worry."
"You've tried to commit suicide before?"
"No the wave mission. Apparently he had a lot to say while healing me."
The two hummed.

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