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"Oh look the monsters late."
Sasuke looked over from the window to see Naruto had just entered the classroom.

Dark bags were under his eyes and the color from his face seemed to have drained a bit. He ran a hand through his blob of blonde hair.

The door opened again to show Iruka who smiled.

"Naruto can you sit down?"
"Yeah outside with the dogs."

Sasukes eyebrows raised when he noticed red flash through Narutos eyes.

"Yeah well at least I don't have to suck up to my sensei to at least pass this class."
Iruka sighed. "Naruto please-"
"They only let you pass because you house the nine tails. Really you shouldn't even be here but in a dungeon where you'll only be used if needed."

Before Iruka could act, Narutos fist was in the guys face and the weight of his body cracked the window just above Sasuke.
Naruto cracked his knuckles.

"I've had a very long weekend. Anyone who doesn't want a broken jaw, OUT OF MY WAY!!"
"Naruto you can't do this!" Iruka tried to stop him but Naruto was gone than beating the shit out of the guy.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow as Iruka shouted for Kakashi. He looked back at Naruto.

Already his fists were bloodied and the guy was knocked unconscious.

The same man who had dragged Naruto from the classroom a few weeks ago, appeared behind Naruto and tried to grab his arm but had to dodge a fist instead.
He flipped backward.
Naruto licked the blood from his knuckles, successfully turning Uchiha Sasuke on.

Ignoring his sudden arousal from the petite Uzumaki, Kakashi lifted his covered sharingan to look into Narutos crimson-red, black-slit eyes.

The sound of Narutos shin clashing with Kakashis forearm caught everyone's attention.
They stared wide eyes, and floor dropped jaws, as Uzumaki Naruto fought with Hatake Kakashi, the copy ninja.

Kakashi caught Narutos punch and sent him into the wall. But like with every skilled shinobi, it didn't work.
Narutos feet stuck to the black board, cracking it in the process with a hand pushing him off.

He axe kicked Kakashis shoulder, receiving the grunt from the 20 year old man. Kakashi grabbed Narutos ankle and he went to punch Kakashi but a hand grabbed Narutos fist before he was sent into the ground.

Narutos eyes widened as he gasped from the air knocking out of his lungs.
Everyone was deathly silent as Sasuke held Naruto to the floor, his sharingan activated with Narutos eyes flickering back to cerulean blue.

"Iruka get the student." Kakashi ordered.
"Oh right." Iruka quickly ran up the steps.

Kakashi looked back at the two and put a hand on Sasukes shoulder.

"You can let go of him Sasuke."

Sasuke glanced at him before hesitantly letting go of Naruto.
Naruto, on the other hand, stayed on the floor, trying to comprehend what had happened before he felt Kakashi pull him to his feet.

"Are you calm?"
Naruto looked up at him and nodded. He didn't look at Sasuke, already too nervous about the incident when they bumped into each other... and now.

"What the hell are you all looking at?! Go sit down!" Kakashi growled. He turned back to Naruto. "Go sit down Naruto. You too Sasuke."

Author-Chan note:
I know Kakashi isn't twenty but for this Fanfiction I don't want such a big age gape between Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi. So he's twenty while their fifteen-sixteen.

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