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Kakashi threw his vest on Naruto who looked up.

"What? Don't like my body?"
"That was reckless Naruto... and why did you use your shirt?"
Naruto zipped the green vest over his upper body though it covered even his shorts.
"Because of the poison on the tips of the demon brothers chains. It just made it easier to fight."
"You could've easily gotten hurt."
"But I didn't."

Kakashi sighed.
"Well.. we have to go back. This clearly isn't a mission we can-"
"No~!" Naruto clapped his hands together. "Come on! It's only one incident and you didn't even need to help to get them down! Come on! Don't do this to me! Jiji will forbid us from any other missions except D-"
"Naruto D-ranks are the best option right now. Yes you and Sasuke easily took down the demon brothers but what if they had gotten a hold of Sakura? We would have to go back to get the poison out of her system anyways."
"But it didn't. The demon brothers got nowhere near the fuck ass or useless Haruno. Come on. Please, I'm really begging here. And you know I don't beg I do with or without people." Naruto clapped his hands together again... and Kakashi sighed.
"Please! Band us from C-ranks after.. just let us do this one mission."

After moments of silence, Kakashi sighed finally giving into Narutos pleading cerulean eyes and clapped hands.

"Yes!" Naruto cheered.

Sasuke watched amused as Naruto did a little victory dance before turning back to Kakashi.

"We can write a letter to Jiji than go. Come on, come on we have daylight leaving and we ain't got time to worry about shit!"
Naruto pulled Sakura to her feet and Kakashi wrote a quick letter for Pakkun to take to Hiruzen.

"Whats with the kid?"
Kakashi sighed. "He won."
Pakkun shook his head and took the letter before running off.
"Let's go!"
"Naruto get in your position!" Kakashi grumbled.
"Hai hai."


"Kakashi-sensei I'm hungry!"
"We're almost there Sakura."
"It's almost dark."
"And we're almost there shut the fuck up~." Naruto groaned.

Sakura has none stop complained about the little things ever since they captured the demon brothers and set off. The boys knew she didn't have an interest in the mission but that didn't mean she had to be more annoying than usual.

Naruto yawned, leaning forward just a tad to cover his mouth.
Before he could react however, a kunai had swept past his cheek and stuck into the base of a tree.
Naruto and Kakashi looked at Sasuke as if he was crazy, seeing Narutos cheek was now bleeding. (They only care because of Sasukes off aiming)

On the other hand, Sakura had ran over to lifted a small bunny.

"Aw~~ Sasuke-kun look at the bunny!"
The four boys looked over at the snow bunny Sakura was holding up.
"Its white." Naruto observed.

"Everyone down!"
Kakashi tripped Sakura who squealed while Naruto tripped Sasuke and Tazuna.

Sasuke grunted at the hard impact he and the ground had. He went to growl at Naruto for an explanation but stopped when he noticed Naruto holding Tazunas head down.
Before he could question Kakashi or Naruto, Naruto forced his head down just in time for a sword to fly over and cut itself into a thick tree nearby.

In an instant the four were around Tazuna, one of Narutos clones, helping Sakura who couldn't muster to even hold her dull kunai properly.

"Aw that's cute. What are you? Genin?"
The chuckle rang within the fog and Naruto clenched the handle of his kunai.
"It's almost as if you've never killed anyone."

Sasuke stared wide eyed at the sword blade inches from his face.

.. what.. the hell?
When did that get there?

"Oh... fancy meeting you again, nine tails jinchuriki."
Narutos kunai screeched against Zabuzas blade before he was gone again.
"Haven't you heard of something called a guard?" Naruto scolded and Sasuke clenched his fists. "Put it up, we aren't dealing with a Chunin."

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