#4- Telling The Boys

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(A/N: Unedited update but thanks to everyone that has voted and commented ILY ❤️....P.S KEEP COMMENTING AND VOTING PLEASE..... Dedicated to LarryandNiamLover123 for her Dm)

15 Votes on this preference and I will update for you guys 😃😘


Liam had been very eager to tell the boys but you were just still a little worried and wanted to wait until after your 12-week scan (first ultrasound). You were still concerned that you could have miscarriage again and didn't want anyone to fuss if you did.

You weren't in the mood to fight about it you just wanted to be stress free and happy that you were pregnant again. You didn't want the stress to harm your second child like the first. In your previous pregnancy the doctor had said the cause of the miscarriage was due to your body experiencing chronic stress. When your body experiences stress, the cortisol and stress hormones send a blast of fuel to your muscles and make your heart pump faster. Usually these stress responses recede and your body goes back into balance once you remove yourself from the stressful situation. The only way you could keep the baby safe at that point in your first pregnancy was to remove yourself from all stressful situations. But that was fairly impossible with being Liam Payne's wife. After trying to juggle and eliminate all stress you and Liam decided you should stay at home as much as possible. Liam wanted to keep both you and your unborn child safe so you and Liam decided not venture outside your home together as much in your early stage of pregnancy. But you realised you were just becoming more stressed with being copped up in your house not being able to do many things or see Liam once he started tour. After trying to stay calm for weeks you discover one night you had a miscarriage. To this day you know Liam still blame himself but you know this isn't his fault. He couldn't just stop being Liam Payne. You would never ask him to stop doing what he loves.

This is why you were trying to be careful about who you tell about your second pregnancy but Liam was so excited you couldn't say no to telling the boys. He was so happy to finally be able to tell his band mates about having a baby.

"C'mon, mate tell us what's up" Louis questioned noticing Liam's absence lately and not just Louis but all the boys were beginning to become suspicious. You and Liam had been staying in and not wanting to go out as much since you got pregnant again. He was declining invites to parties and going out with them to stay in with you like you hadn't done the first pregnancy. Liam just wanted to keep a close eye on you since he was worried you would have another miscarriage.

"Okay. Sorry about missing a bunch of band stuff. And not spending as much time with you guys." Liam began. You were all gathered for your birthday at yours and Liam's place.

"So....." Harry urged.

"Uh, okay. So," Liam ginned looking up at you and you grew nervous. People would finally know you were pregnant.

"Y/N's pregnant," Liam smiled looking back at you as all four boys tackled him to the floor. One by one the boys and girls congratulated you both.

Liam couldn't help but keep a protective eye on you as they each engulfed you in hugs.

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