Suffer In Silence: Eddie Munson

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+Y/N and Eddie are like two peas in a pod, they were always together and many would assume that they were a couple and it was shocking to them when either one of them said that they weren't a couple. Truth is that both Eddie and Y/N had been in love with each other for the longest time but neither one wanted to risk losing the amazing friendship that they shared so they both suffered in silence much to their friend's dismay. 

You were on your way over to Eddies and he currently forming a plan on how he was going to jump scare you this time, scaring you was one of his favorite things to do because sometimes you made it so easy. He saw your car pull into the driveway so he decided to fake sleep on the couch and wait to fake scare you when you least expect it. 

"Hey Eddie, I grabbed some snacks and picked up the new nightmare on elm street for us to watch..." You said as you walked into the house but stopped once you saw him asleep. 

You shook your head at him as you sat the bags down on the counter and walked over to him and took his shoes off and set them on the floor before walking to his room to grab him and blanket and pillow for him. 

"Only you would fall asleep in the most uncomfortable place instead of in your own bed." You muttered as you gently slide the pillow up his head hoping not to disturb him. 

"Not to mention you are about to freeze to death." You said covering him and quietly turning on Fast Times At Ridgemont High at a low volume. 

Eddie was melting inside at how sweet and caring you were being with him during his "fake sleep" and was almost tempted not to jump scare you anymore. He heard you open and close the fridge before coming into the living room and taking a seat next to him on the couch and resting your arm on his leg as you watched the movie and it made him wish there was more between you two than friendship but sadly that was never gonna happen. 

He continued fake sleeping for at least thirty more minutes until he decided enough was enough and waited until you had your drink in your hand to scare you. But what he wasn't expecting was to reach over and brush some of the curls out of his face. 

"Boo!" He said opening his eyes and making you jump back with a scream and drop your glass onto the floor in the process. 

"God damn it! Eddie don't fucking do that!" You said slapping his chest as he laughed. 

"Oh c'mon you know it was funny. sweetheart." He said sitting up. 

"No, it wasn't because now I have spilled coffee all over your uncle's rug, which he's gonna kill me for." You said picking up the glass and heading to the kitchen. 

"Ehh it'll be alright. But let's talk about how sentimental you were being towards me?" He said getting up and following you into the kitchen. 

"I was just trying to be a good friend and make sure you were comfortable." You said as you reached under the sink for some carpet cleaner. 

"Sure you were. But what about you reaching over and brushing my curls out of my face?" He asked you. 

"Eds I know you don't like it when your hair touches your  face, so I was trying to help you sleep which you clearly weren't doing in the first place." You said rolling your eyes as you walked into the living room and began cleaning up the stain from earlier. 

"Look I know I gave you shit about it, but I did really enjoy you taking care of me even if I was faking it, so thank you seriously." He said after a few minutes noticing how quiet you had been.

"Your welcome Eds." You said giving him a small smile before heading back into the kitchen.

"So did I hear you right that you had snacks and the new nightmare on elm street?" He asked you. 

"I did. I figured could have one of our movie nights unless you want to do something else?" You said taking a seat on the couch.

"There's nothing else I rather do sweetheart." He said popping in the movie as you set your assortment of snacks and drinks on the table in front of you guys.

As you two were watching the movie, Eddie thought about earlier and how much he enjoyed you taking care of him, and made sure to fall asleep around you more often especially now that he knew what kind of treatment he got. 

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