Movie Nights & Confessions: Jonathan Byers

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hiiiiiiii if you dont mind could you write something for jonathan byers preferably with a female hiiiiiiii if you dont mind could you write something for jonathan byers preferably with a female reader but you can make it gn if you'd prefer. I don't know about plot though maybe they watched a really scary movie and are now too anxious to sleep so they end up cuddling into each other trying to soothe each other and when reader is on the verge of sleep or is already alseep she accidentally says I love you? (Obvs for this they're not dating yet just 'best friends' lol). If you have a better idea for a plot that's okay i just wants a jonny fic 😊 g yet just 'best friends' lol).

It was you and your best friend and secret crush Jonathan's movie night see every Friday night since middle school you two would rent movies and watch them together at one of your houses. Tonight since it was your turn to pick the movie, you decided that you and Jonathan could check out the new nightmare on elm street oh what a mistake that was.

It was halfway though the movie and it super dark out, with the only light being in your room being some candles, and you couldn't tell who was more scared you or Jonathan. He currently had his arm you softly rubbing his hand up and down your arm trying to comfort you while you had yours running through his hair.

"Sorry for picking that, I didn't realize how scary that was going to be." You said to him as the movie ended.

"No don't apologize. You wanted to watch it, and I think I'll be okay in a few days. I enjoy these nights with you y/n." He said looking over at you with a smile.

"I enjoy them as well J." You said yawning.

"Come on sleepyhead, let's get some rest." He said covering you up before laying down himself. 

It had been about an hour since you tried to go to sleep and you were wide awake still trying to go to sleep but every little noise kept waking you up. You looked beside you and saw Jonathan on his side making you wonder if he was awake. 

"J are you awake?" You asked quietly. 

"Oh thank god you are, I've been trying to sleep for the past hour." He said turning over and looking at you. 

"Maybe we save the horror movies for during the day next time." You say making Jonathan laugh. 

"Agreed." He said. 

The two of laid there talking about everything and anything until you started feeling sleepy again now that Jonathan was talking to you and keeping you safe part of you wished that he was your boyfriend and not doing this as a friend. Jonathan watched as your eyes closed and smiled thinking you looked so adorable. 

"Goodnight sweetheart." He said. 

"Goodnight J, love you." You said sleepily turning on your side as Jonathan liked you in shock.

Jonathan couldn't believe it, you liked him back. All this time he thought his feelings for you had been one-sided until now. He looked at you for a few minutes before trying to get some sleep but not before he said something to you even if you couldn't hear him.

"I love you too." He said softly smiling at you before getting some sleep. 

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