You Belong With Me: Eddie Munson

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It was awkward, to say the least whenever Chrissy was around, it always made you feel like you didn't belong there despite dating Eddie.  You knew how much Eddie's friends meant to him so when you two started officially dating you made an effort with them and most of them took a liking to you right away except for Chrissy, who for some reason didn't like and always excluded you from activities even if you were in the room which hurt because Eddie talked about their friendship a lot and you really wanted to at least be civil with her if nothing else. Yesterday was the worst it had been between you two, you had been minding your business helping Gareth set up for Hellfire since Eddie was running behind when she came up and started saying all these insults to you. 

"You know you and Eddie would never last." 

"Eddie could do so much better than you." 

"You don't belong here." 

She just kept on until she saw the tears slide down your face and watched as you fled the auditorium which a satisfied smirk on her face, now she could go back to being the only girl in Eddie's life. 

Eddie noticed how distant you had been lately with him, not wanting to eat lunch with the group, come to hellfire or come hang out at band practice and he wondered if he had done something to upset you and not remember. 

"Did I do something to upset y/n?" Eddie asked no one in particular who shared a look because they all had witnessed Chrissy's behavior towards you when Eddie wasn't paying attention. 

"Eddie it isn't you that hurt y/'s Chrissy." Gareth said making Eddie snap his head towards him confused. 

"Look ever since you introduced y/n to us officially, Chrissy has done nothing but be mean, exclude her from the group, and the other day I overheard Chrissy telling y/n that she didn't belong with you and that you could do so much better than her." Gareth said as the rest of the table nodded their heads at Eddie. 

He made his way over to Chrissy's table and tapped her shoulder who turned and smiled at him, and he asked her if they could talk in private. She nodded her head and followed out into the hallway so they could talk. 

"What's up Eddie?" She asked him. 

"Is it true that you've been bullying y/n?" He asked her looking at her. 

"No! Why would I do that? Because if she told you then she's lying Eddie I would never." She said wrapping her arms around him. 

"Whoa first off I'm with y/n, and second off Gareth and the whole group were the ones who told me about the multiple occasions where you were mean to y/n, even as far as telling her that she didn't belong with me. Look, Chrissy, I did like you a long time ago but I'm with y/n and I love her and if you can't accept that then we can't be friends." Eddie said as Chrissy nodded her head at his words. 

After school, Eddie made his way to your house hoping to talk to you and make things right because he really did love you and didn't want to lose you over something like Chrissy. He knocked on your front door and a few minutes you opened the door and let him in. 

"Hi bubs. What brings you by with flowers?" You asked confused. 

"Well, I was hoping we could talk sweetheart because I learned some interesting information today." He said making you feel nervous. 

"Sure. What did you learn?" You asked taking a seat on the couch next to him. 

"About how Chrissy's been treating you since I introduced you to everybody and I wanted to say that I'm sorry for not noticing sooner and that you don't belong with anyone but me." He said lacing his hands with yours. 

"I tried Eddie I really did, and it seemed like no matter what I did, she hated me and I knew how much she meant to you so I just kept quiet hoping we could work things out." You said. 

"I know you did, the guys told me everything. But I never want to you to keep quiet about something that's bothering you, I want you to come to me instead, okay?" He asked as you nodded your head. 

"I love you, sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on your lips.

"I love you too bubs." You said smiling at him. 

The next day at school you were at your locker grabbing your textbook for your first period while Eddie had his hands wrapped around you and kept kissing your neck making you giggle when you saw Chrissy approach you. 

"Hi y/n, I just wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting lately, it was wrong of me to treat the way I have. I was wondering if maybe we could start over?" She asked shocking you. 

"Thank you for saying that Chrissy and I would that alot." You said giving her a small smile.

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