Even Angels Fall: Eddie Munson

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You were at prom with your best friends dancing and having a good time when you saw Eddie walk in with Chrissy Chunnigham making you stop dead in your tracks which your friends noticed right away. 

"What is it, babe?" One of your friends asked as you simply pointed towards where Eddie and Chrissy were standing. 

"I thought he said he didn't do prom. That it's forced conformity?" Your other friend asked you as the tears slid down your face watching them. 

"He...he did....I put myself out there and he told me to my face that prom wasn't his thing but now I'm seeing he was just lying to me. Excuse me." You said as you made your way out of the gym and into the bathroom. 

Once you got to the bathroom, you locked yourself in a stall and just started crying. You didn't understand why Eddie had lied to you about prom, he could've just rejected you and you would've been fine with it.


After some encouragement from your friends on how you should just ask Eddie, you decided to try it because the worst he could say is no. You decided to try and catch him before Hellfire club which played in your favor because he was still setting up when you got there. 

"Sweetheart, I didn't expect to see you here." He said as you walked up the stage to where he was. 

"Yeah sorry about that. I wanted to ask you something real quick." You said. 

"Sure what's up?" He asked stopping what he was doing so he could focus on you which made you a little nervous. 

"So you know prom is in a few weeks......and I was wondering if you would maybe be interested in going with me?" You asked him. 

"I appreciate the offer, I really do sweetheart. It's just that prom isn't my thing, I don't like to conform to someone I'm not just for one night. I'm sorry." He said giving you an apologetic smile. 

"No need to apologize, I understand. Well, I'm gonna go now." You said leaving the auditorium feeling embarrassed that you asked Eddie the one person known for hating to conform to society's rules. 

(Flashback Over)

You were snapped out of your thoughts by someone knocking on your stall door forcing you to dry your eyes and unlock the door where you saw your friends standing giving you a small smile. 

"Sorry I left like that, it was just too much seeing him after he told me prom wasn't his thing, I would rathered him reject me than lie to me about coming. I would've understood." You said as they nodded their heads at you. 

"I know you would've babe, and he's an idiot for choosing to go with her instead of you." Your friend said fixing your hair. 

"Yeah, he is, which is why your gonna go out there with us and enjoy the night with us and forget he's even here." Your other friend said to fix your makeup. 

Eddie saw you and your friends walk back into the gym laughing about something, he wondered if you even noticed him being there. He had felt about being here in the first place with Chrissy after he told you that he didn't do prom especially since he wanted to go with you but when the girl you've been crushing on since middle school asks you to go to prom how could you say no. 

After taking Chrissy home, he decided to swing by your place which was empty and was about to leave when he saw your friend's car pull up making him stop. He watched as you climbed out of the car carrying your heels in your hand, and now that he could see you he thought you looked so beautiful. 

"Hi sweetheart, you look beautiful." He said as you walked up the stairs. 

"I saw your lying ass with Chrissy, so don't try to compliment me." You said making him feel even worst. 

"Look I wanted..." He started to say but you stopped him. 

"No don't even start...because I would rather have had you reject me than make some excuse of how you don't do prom but then show up to it. So please just go home, Eddie." You said unlocking your front door and walking inside leaving him there to think about what he did. 

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