Rainy Days: Eddie Munson

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Eddie sounded so disappointed when he called this morning and it was raining meaning the date you had planned for this afternoon was canceled, and that's when an idea hit you. You went down to the basement well technically den since your brother had converted it into a more livable space. 

You went back up to your room, grabbed any space pillows, blankets, and sheets you had, and basically made a big fort for you two and made some snacks for you two as you brought some movies down there before calling Eddie and inviting him over.

"Miss me already sweetheart?" Eddie asked as he answered the phone. 

"Always and I was wondering if you would like to come over and see the surprise I have for you." You said into the phone. 

"Surprise for me?" He asked. 

"Yes for you, and I hope you're gonna like it." You said playing with the phone cord as you talked to him. 

"Alright you convinced me, I should be there in about ten. Love you sweetheart." He said. 

"Love you too bubs, drive safe." You said hanging up the phone and chilling on the couch while you waited for him. 

About ten minutes later, you heard his van pull up, and then a few seconds later you heard him knock on the door which made you smile. 

"Hi bubs." You said letting him in the house. 

"Hi, sweetheart." He said bending down and placing a kiss on your lips making you smile. 

"So where's my surprise at?" He asked making you laugh as you grabbed his hands and led him towards the basement door. 

"Sweetheart, if you brought me over to murder me then we are gonna have to talk." He said making you roll your eyes. 

"Will you stop it, trust me this isn't the place I would murder you at." You flick the light switch on revealing all your hard work. 

You watched his face go from shock to happiness as he looked around that room that you worked so hard to set up which brought a smile to your face because even if he didn't say it you could tell he loved it. 

"You did all this for me?" He asked walking over to you. 

"I did. You sounded so disappointed about us having to cancel our date because of the weather so I figured we could have one here where we just chill and watch some movies. Do you like it?" You asked. 

"Are you kidding? I love it so much, sweetheart!" He said picking you up and spinning you around making you giggle.

"Good I'm glad." You said as he sat you back on the ground where he took off his shoes before you grabbed his hand leading him over to the fort. 

You two sat there for a few minutes trying to decide which movie to watch until you two ultimately decided to watch Legend. As your the movie, you feel Eddie watching you and not the movie which makes you look over him. 

"What is it bubs?" You asked him. 

"I just love you is all." He said placing a kiss on your lips.

 "And I love you bubs." You said. 

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