We're Going To Be Parents: Peter Ballard

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You and Peter had been in a secret relationship for almost two years now, he fell in love with how kind and sweet you were despite working for Dr. Bennett. You were like a ray of sunshine in the lab and the children seemed to enjoy it eventually one day Peter found himself opening up to you which he hadn't done in a long time and it seemed the relationship blossomed from there. 

Peter had been thinking about running away from this place with you, so that maybe just maybe you two could live a normal life being married, having children and a house to grow old in, instead of staying here and having to constantly hide your relationship. 

"What are you thinking about my love?" You asked running your fingers through his hair. 

"What it would be like if we could leave here and live a normal life...Have you ever thought about that?" He asked looking up at you. 

"Every day I wish it could be reality." You said sadly making him sit up and look at you.

"Then let's make it. Let's make a plan to get out of here and start living for ourselves instead of someone else." He said lacing his hands with yours. 

"You mean that?" You asked looking at him.

 "I do. Just give me a few days to finalize everything and then we can plan to leave here and never look back, okay?" He asked you as you nodded. 

A few nights later Peter came to you and explained the plan and how the next night you two would leave during the guard changes and how he had a getaway car and where you two would be staying for a few days figured out. 

"You really thought of everything." You said looking at him with a smile. 

"I did...I told you nothing was going to stop us from leaving here tomorrow and starting our lives together." He said. 

You two escaped and made it to the hideout house where you would stay for a week while Peter's friend finished getting your more permanent place set up the only downside is that you had gotten sick. 

"Baby that's the like tenth time you've thrown up today alone, maybe we should take you to the  hospital." Peter said as held your hair back and rubbed your back. 

"No hospital." You said as you brushed your teeth. 

"Fine none today, but if not better by tomorrow then we're going because something is wrong with you." He said. 

"Probably just a stomach bug or something. But to ease your worry we'll go." You said as you walked into your room and took a seat on the bed. 

The next came and you were feeling even worse so you allowed Peter to take you to the local hospital despite you not wanting to go at all. The nurse got you two checked and you couldn't tell who was more anxious between you and Peter, who kept his hand tightly on yours until your name was called. 

After explaining your symptoms and asking you a few questions the nurse suggested that you get some blood work done first then they would have you change into a gown so they could do a sonogram on you. 

"This will be cold for a minute." She said to apply some gel to your stomach as Peter kept hold of your hand. 

"Just as I thought..." She said moving the wand around your stomach. 

"You guys are pregnant, I would say maybe about 4 weeks it's still in the early stages. So I am going to recommend some resources to you guys and get you set up for your next appointment." She said as you lay there stunned, you never suspected that you were pregnant. 

"I'll go grab those resources and give you two a minute to talk." She stepping out of the room. 

"Peter baby I had no idea..." You start to say but he shushes you. 

"No need to apologize, while I would've loved to be more settled in our new home. Starting a family with you is something I've always wanted." He said. 

"I can't believe we are going to be parent's." You said looking up at him through glassy eyes. 

"I know, but there's no one else I rather do it with. I love you Y/N." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 

"I love you Peter." You said leaning your head against his.

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