Billy Hargrove: Say Something

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"Babygirl please yell, scream, say something. Anything" Billy asked after he told Y/N he had gotten drunk and hooked up with Heather at Tina's party last weekend when Y/N was out of town with her cousins.

Y/N bloodshot eyes flicked over to where Billy sat as she thought about what she should say to him but knew nothing would fix what he did, so she got up off of the couch and opened the door which caused Billy to look at her.

"I need time to process everything." Y/N said quietly as she stood by the front door.

Billy's heart broke even more as those words came out of her mouth but understood that this was probably the last thing she was expecting to come home to. He got up and grab his jacket as he silently made his way over to the front door.

 "I'm sorry Angel, I really am." Billy said looking at her and hating himself for doing the one thing he swore he never do.

"I know you are. Get home safe." Y/N said.

Once Billy was gone, Y/N went up to her room and that's when everything hit her at once. She broke down into tears as she looked at the picture of her and Billy from Carol's Halloween party last year before tossing it across the room. She couldn't believe the one person she cared about on this earth ended up hurting her.

Meanwhile at school the next couple of days, everyone could tell something had happened between Y/N and Billy because he was back to being an asshole to everyone including Steve and Max who prayed that the old Billy wasn't returning.

That Friday Y/N made her way into the school not caring how she looked, she wore her pajamas and slippers and had her hair thrown up into a messy bun which was accompanied by her bloodshot eyes. Helen was the first to notice Y/N had honestly felt so bad for her best friend, meanwhile, Jonathan and Nancy became even more worried about Y/N who always took pride in her appearance.

"Hey Y/N." Jonathan said as she approached the group.

"Hey sweetheart, I didn't think you be back at school so soon." Helen said hugging her friend.

"Can't afford to fall behind on my work because of my boyfriend if he is still that, cheats on me." Y/N said grabbing her books.

Billy walked into his English class and nearly had to do a double-take when he saw Y/N, she looked nothing like herself and it hurt him to think that he caused that. He sat down in his seat and kept his eyes on her.

"Okay class who would like to read their poems out loud?" Their English teacher said.

Everyone watched as Y/N raised her hand, her English teacher gave her a sad smile before allowing her to come up to the front of the room.

"Whenever you're ready Y/L/N." Her teacher said.

"You taught me that love can be an amazing and beautiful thing, but you also taught me that love will keep you up until midnight softly crying to yourself wondering what you did wrong to drive the love of your life into another's woman's arms." Y/N said crying as her eyes met Billy's glossed over ones.

After reading her poem the room started spinning for her, she walked back to her desk and grabbed her stuff before leaving the room. Billy sat there silently crying for a few moments before going to find Y/N. He walked into the girl's bathroom and locked so no one would walk in while they were in here, he walked over to where Y/N sat.

"I'm sorry." Y/N cried into his shirt as he held her.

"Why are you apologizing Angel? No of this is your fault." Billy said.

"I mean I must-have for you to hook up with Heather, are you not happy with me? Do I not satisfy you? Am I not good enough?" Y/N said making Billy's heart break even more.

"Trust me, Angel, you are absolutely perfect to me, I wish I could blame what I did on the alcohol or the fact that I missed you but I can't. All can I ask is that let me show you how I will never ever do something like that again." Billy said.

"But I don't want to lose you again." Y/N said quietly.

"Angel you're not going to, we're just going to take things slow for now until you feel you're ready to forgive me and that you can trust me. Are you alright if we do that?" Billy asked her.

Y/N nodded before softly attaching her lips to his, tasting the salt from his tears as he kissed her back.

"You know you still look pretty hot dressed like this." Billy said making Y/N smile.

"I looked like a homeless person." Y/N said rolling her eyes at him as they walked outside.

"A hot homeless person though." Billy says kissing her hand as they pulled out of the school parking lot. 

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