Separate Ways: Billy Hargrove

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request a billy hargrove imagine where he never died but he was scared of what y/n would think of him after everything happened..and he has been hiding ever sense but he still loves her and looks out for her he sees she still wears the promise ring he gave her and he thinks she's happy with her new boyfriend until he sees him hurt her and that's when he snaps and comes out and he breaks down and in the end, there is a bunch of fluff maybe some smut? and I have so many more I would request but I'll just do this for now! Thanks love your writing!

You all were exhausted and heartbroken after defeating the mind flayer and watching Billy sacrifice himself to save you guys. You pleaded with him to stop and even tried going after him but steve stopped you and held you in a death grip as you watched Billy die. You sat there crying until you felt Max wrap her arms around you and tell you that it was gonna be okay as you two got up and left with the others.

Billy was confused at first when he woke up and was still at the mall until he saw the body of the mind flyer next to him. He looked around and felt so guilty about what he did and that he caused this and nearly killed El, wishing the mind flyer to kill him. He was sitting there thinking about his actions when he heard sirens so he got up and left planning on going into hiding, too afraid to face you after his actions.

So that's how it went Billy cut his hair and became unrecognizable and went into hiding but he still kept an eye on you and max because he loved you more than anything in this world. It broke his heart to see you two at his funeral crying over him, it was like this for months you could see how miserable you were mourning him and how hard it was for you to go on without him.

It was almost a year later before you would start dating again which hurt Billy to see but you deserved to move on from someone like him. Even though you were dating again, you still wore the promise ring Billy gave you and he would often see you playing with it or messing with it which made him smile and think about coming out of hiding.

 It was about three months since you started dating again and you got into a serious relationship which you had your doubts about you knew you couldn't keep mourning Billy forever but since his death, you had this weird feeling that someone was watching you. Your current boyfriend made you believe that he understood what you were going through and promised to be understanding and guess what? You were stupid enough to believe him. At first, it was yelling and verbal abuse and then he started laying hands on you making you wish you had never entered this relationship in the first place. On this particular night your boyfriend was on a war path he came home and found you crying over Billy and lost it. 

"Maybe I should kill you now that way you can be with him?" Your boyfriend said wrapping his hands around your throat. 

Billy had his suspicions about your boyfriend and wanted to step in but when he went over there and saw your boyfriend his hands around your throat, he barged in and pushed him off, and started to beat the shit out of him. You on other hand finally caught your breath when you finally got a look at your savior and you nearly fainted because there was no way he was still alive. You watched as he threw your boyfriend well ex-boyfriend out before saying anything. 

"You.... you're supposed to be...dead." You said looking at him. 

"Sweetheart...don't freak out, okay? I can't explain." He said slowly approaching you. 

"Explain what? I saw your body get taken by that damn mind flyer! How are you even here right now?" You asked.

"Because after you guys defeated the mind flyer and left, it like spit me out and as much as I wanted to come and tell you, I felt so guilty for everything I did to you and max so I cut my hair and went into hiding while keeping and eye on you and max. I understand if you hate me." He said as you sat there trying to process everything.

"Thank you for saving me." You said wrapping your arms around him and when you heard his heartbeat that's how you knew that he was real even if you were mad at him. 

"I told you I would always be there for you sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on your forehead as he kept you tightly in his arms. 

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