Dacre Montogomery: Valentines Drabble

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  Prompt: Attending a Valentine's Day party and finding an impromptu date

Toni stared at the invitation to Valentine's Day party that her best friend was throwing and sighed. She really wanted to go and just enjoy being with her friends but then she remembers that most of her friends were in committed relationships and she definitely wasn't going to be a third wheel tonight. 

She was feeding her pomeranian when a knock came to her front door. Confused she walked over to her front door and saw Dacre standing there holding flowers. 

"Hey, Dacre." She said trying to figure out what he was doing on her front porch. 

"Wow, you look beautiful Toni. Do you have plans tonight?" Dacre said looking her up and down. 

"Yeah third wheeling at Tyanna's party tonight unless you wanna be the impromptu date?" Toni said with a laugh at how ridiculous she sounded. 

"These are for you but I would love to be your impromptu date." Dacre said with a smile as Toni let him in. 

"Are you sure? I thought you had plans with Joe and a few other cast members?" Toni asked as she put the flowers in some water. 

"I did but then I remember that the prettiest girl in the world deserved to have flowers today. So here I am." Dacre said looking at her with a smile.

About thirty minutes later they arrived at the party and Toni could feel everyone staring at them as they walked in. After finally finding a table, Dacre went to go grab them drinks real quick and while he was gone Toni's friends had found. 

"You made it! don't tell me you've been here sulking by yourself." Tyanna said as she hugged her friend. 

"Actually, she's been with me most of the night." Dacre said resting his hands on her hips as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Wow, I'm sorry babe, I honestly wasn't expecting you to show up with him or anyone for that matter." Tyanna said making Toni uncomfortable. 

"Tyanna let them enjoy their night." Zack said mouthing an apology to Toni as they disappeared. 

"Is she always like that towards you?" Dacre asked as they stepped outside. 

"Unfortunately, it's like she doesn't want me to be happy, thank you for that in there." Toni said smiling up at him. 

"No need to thank me, just agree to go out on a proper date with me after tonight." Dacre said grabbing both of her hands. 

"Is this not a proper date Mr. Montogomery? I mean you had your hands on me and got to kiss my cheek..." Toni said looking at him. 

"It is but a proper date would be one without your annoying friends and privacy to where I could do this." Dacre said crashing his lips onto hers. 

"I like the sound of this proper date." Toni said with a smile as they pulled apart. 

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