Let Me Tell You A Secret: Nancy Wheeler

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Request: So the (female) reader is best friends with Robin, and they both are lesbians and know about that. Robin doesn't like Nancy bc she thinks she's "a priss" and other things like she called her in season 3 but she doesn't know the reader has been dating Nancy in secret for a while, it's a secret bc Nancy isn't ready to come out. The reader and Nancy argue about the relationship being a secret and either Nancy ends up coming out or they just tell Robin. You can decide.

You loved Robin, you really did but sometimes she had a way of talking without filter that sometimes got her caught with her foot in her mouth. You and Robin had been friends since middle school and you were one of the first people that she came out to, and in turn, almost a year later you felt confident enough to come out to her. It was nice to have someone with who you could talk to without any judgment only there was one thing about her she didn't know. You and Nancy Wheeler were dating and that was because Nancy wasn't ready to come out which you understood but sometimes it made it hard not to defend her honor without raising suspicion especially now when Robin was talking so badly about her. 

"I never understood what Steve or Jonathan saw in Nancy she is a piss, a goody to shoes." Robin said as you two put the tapes away. 

"Robin she's isn't as bad as everyone claims she is." You said trying to defend your girlfriend without seeming too suspicious. 

"Seriously? This is Nancy Wheeler of all people, the same person who I recalled bullied you sophomore year." Robin said. 

It was true Nancy did bully you sophomore year but when you two started hanging out and talking you learned that she only bullied you because she had a crush on you and didn't know how to deal with it since not too many people were out in Hawkins which you understood. 

"People change Ro, I mean look at Steve he went from being an asshole to being a decent person." You said to her wanting to drop this conversation. 

You were exhausted after work, especially after that conversation with Robin, you tiredly made your way upstairs to your room after talking to your mom. You walked into your room and found Nancy sitting on your bed waiting for you which made you smile. 

"Your mom let me in, how was work, my love?" She asked you as she wrapped her arms around you. 

"Exhausting in more ways than one. But I'm glad to see you, my love." You said placing a kiss on her lips. 

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked as you grabbed some clothes to change into. 

"It was something Robin said about you today." You said walking into your bathroom to change. 

"What did she say?" Nancy asked nervously. 

"She kept going on and on about you being a priss, a goody-two-shoes, and how you bullied me, and when I defended you she got upset at me. I don't know sometimes I feel like if she knew that we were together maybe she would let up something." You said laying on your bed closing your eyes as Nancy thought about what you said. 

"Then let's tell her, I think I feel comfortable enough to tell her." Nancy said making you open your eyes. 

"Really?" You asked in shock. 

"Yeah I've made you keep us a secret long enough from your best friend so let's tell her at least and see how it goes." Nancy said squeezing your hand as a smile grew on your face. 

The next day you called Robin over telling her you needed to talk to you about something important. You watched as Nancy paced around your floor nervous about how this was gonna go, so you reached out and pulled her in your lap. 

"Calm down Nanc, I promise Robin isn't going to tell anyone, she may not like you but she won't force someone to come out until there ready." You said. 

"I know but I'm more worried about your friendship with you two being ruined because you are with me." She said wrapping her arms around you. 

"I love you Nancy and nothing is gonna change that." You said placing a kiss on her lips. 

"Omg." Robin said in shock as Nancy climbed off of you. 

"So you two are?" Robin asked as you nodded your head squeezing nancy's hand.

"Everything makes so much sense now. Can I ask you how this happened?" She asked as you nodded. 

"Well um as you know I bullied y/n well we got paired up for an assignment and it turns out we had a lot in common and one night I was upset over Steve and I came to y/n where I accidentally kissed and confessed everything about how I was bi-sexual and the next day we talked about everything and eventually we started dating. I asked her not to tell you because I wasn't ready for anyone to know yet." Nancy said. 

"I mean I get it I really do. Which is why I think we can maybe start off on a clean slate for y/n's sake." Robin said holding her hand out to Nancy. 

"I would love that Robin." Nancy said shaking her hand as you wrapped your arms around them. 

"Aww I love to see my girls trying to be friends." You said with a smile as they laughed at you. 

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