It Can't Rain All The Time: Eddie Munson

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You made your way to the auditorium where Hellfire was taking place in search of your boyfriend who had promised to take you to tonight's showing of The Crow and with it getting closer to the time he promised he was being done, you knew you had to go remind him. You opened the auditorium door, which slammed shut behind you alerting everyone to your presence as you walked up the stage. 

"Hey, sweetheart, what brings you by?" Eddie asked placing a kiss on your lips.

 "Don't tell me you forgot about our plans to go see The Crow today?" You asked him worried that he forgot because you were really looking forward to going to see it with him today. 

"That was today?" He asked you as you slowly nodded your head feeling the tears threatening to spill over the fact he forgot. 

"It's okay if you forgot, I should've reminded you. We can just go see it another time." You said quietly making Eddie heartbreak, he didn't intentionally mean to forget about your plans. 

"Eddie we can finish this next week! go after her." Dustin said snapping Eddie from his thoughts and realizing you left. 

He grabbed his jacket mumbling something about meeting next week to the group before running out of the room hoping to catch up to you before you left.  He let out a sigh of relief when he saw you approaching your car, running up and placing a hand on your door to prevent you from opening. 

"Eddie please, just go back to the group, I'm not mad just a little disappointed is all." You said quietly still not looking at him. 

"Sweetheart I just rescheduled the rest of the meeting but that's not important you are. I swear I never meant to forget about our plans, it just slipped my mind that it was today and not another day, Please look at me." He said tugging on your arm making you turn and look at him.

"Do you mean that?" You asked quietly looking up at him, so many people had bailed on plans with you in the past that you couldn't tell if someone genuinely forgot or not.

"I do sweetheart, it was an honest mistake because trust me I really want to see this movie with you today, if you still want to see it with me that is." He said lacing his hands with yours. 

"I would like that a lot. I'm sorry for getting upset with you." You said wrapping your arms around him. 

"No need to apologize sweetheart, but I'm sorry too. Now let's get to the movies." He said pressing a kiss to your lips as he lead you over to his van. 

You and Eddie arrived at the movies, where he paid for everything despite your protests of wanting to help pay but he simply shushed with a kiss as you guys waited for your popcorn. Once you guys had your popcorn, you made to way to the theater where the movie was playing and made your way up the stairs to the top row. 

"Leave it up." You said to Eddie as he tried to lower the armrest between your seats, you wanted it up so you could cuddle into him during the movie. 

"Here since I know you get cold during movies." He said handing you his jacket as you gave him a quick kiss as a thank you as the movie started. 

At certain parts of the movie, you felt Eddie press a kiss on your forehead or squeeze your shoulder which caused you to look up at him and see tears in his eyes making your heart melt because he was enjoying the movie as much as you. 

"Did you like it?" You asked him as you two left the theater. 

"Are you kidding I loved it between Eric's guitar solo to the part where he avenged his fiancee, I couldn't figure out what I loved more. What was your favorite part?" He asked you. 

"The part where he comes back to avenge Shelly, because I know if it was something like that happened to you, I would do everything in my power to avenge you." You said wrapping your arms around him. 

"Good because I would too sweetheart. I love you." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 

"I love you Eds." You said smiling at him as you two left the theater. 

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