Should've Said No: Eddie Munson

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It's strange to think the songs we used to sing,

The smiles, the flowers, everything is gone

Yesterday I found out about you 

Even now, just lookin' at you feels wrong

It was weird to think about how everything changed in a matter of minutes, You sat there on your bed thinking about the flowers, the smiles, the late-night car rides where you and Eddie would sing at the top of your lungs were now gone because you found out that he cheated on you with Chrissy Chunnigham this weekend after he told you not to worry about her. You couldn't look at him without remembering what he did. 

You say that you'd take it all back

Given one chance

It was a moment of weakness

And you said yes

Eddie swore that he would take that night back with Chrissy back if you gave him another chance and kept saying it was a moment of weakness when you asked him. But you still couldn't look at him the same way you used to. 

You should've said no, you should've gone home

You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go

You should've known that word

'Bout what you did with her'd get back to me (Get back to me)

And I should've been there, in the back of your mind

I shouldn't be asking myself why

You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet...

You should've said no

Baby, and you might still have me

You kept thinking about how Eddie should've said no to Chrissy's advances and gone home but what got you was that it seemed that didn't even think twice about hooking up with his middle school crush. Another thing that got you was how shocked he seemed when you told him that you knew what happened between him and Chrissy at the party last weekend as if the word wouldn't have gotten to you that your boyfriend hooked up with someone that wasn't you. When you got the news you wondered if you were even on Eddie's mind while this was happening since you were his girlfriend of almost six months. 

All you kept thinking about was why? Why did he hook up with her and why didn't he stop her when you were waiting at him for him at home, but you stopped yourself from doing that because you shouldn't be questioning yourself and Eddie shouldn't be begging for your forgiveness every day. He should've said no and maybe just maybe he would still have you. 

You can see that I've been crying

And baby, you know all the right things to say

But do you honestly expect me to believe

We could ever be the same?

You knew Eddie could see your tears no matter how hard you tried to hide the fact that you were hurt that your boyfriend had cheated on you and it seemed like he knew the right thing to say to make consider giving him another chance. But was this another joke you thought, because did he think that you could forget about what he did and that you two could go back to the way you were before he decided to cheat on you? 

You say that the past is the past,

 you need one chance

It was a moment of weakness 

And you said, "Yes."

For the next week, Eddie tried to convince you that it was a one-time thing and that it would never happen again but you knew that wasn't true especially since it was Chrissy of all people. Moment of weakness or not, he shouldn't have slept with her when he was with you. 

You should've said "No", you should've gone home

You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go

You should've known that word

'Bout what you did with her

Get back to me (get back to me).

And I should've been there in the back of your mind

I shouldn't be asking myself, "Why?"

You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet...

You should've said "No", baby, and you might still have me

The more you thought about it, the more you got angry about how Eddie should've said no, how he should've gone home, or anywhere that was in bed with Chrissy. You kept thinking about how careless he was thinking he wouldn't get caught or form some lie to you before you found out the truth. You sat there looking at his tear-filled eyes which used to hurt you to see as he was once again in your room begging for you to forgive him. 

"You should've said no and maybe you still have me." You said looking at him watching as he stood up to leave. 

I can't resist

Before you go, tell me this:

Was it worth it?

Was she worth this?

No... no, no, no...

He had his hand on the doorknob when you stopped him wanting some answers of your own for his actions. 

"Tell me this Eddie, was she worth it? Worth ruining us for a night with your middle school crush?" You asked him. 

" it wasn't. I'm sorry." He said looking at you one last time before leaving. 

You should've said "No", you should've gone home

You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go

You should've known that word

'Bout what you did with her'd,

Get back to me (get back to me).

And I should've been there in the back of your mind

I shouldn't be asking myself, "Why?"

You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet...

You should've said "No", baby, and you might still have me

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