Lose You Tonight: Eddie Munson

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Don't run away

I can't live without you

Please stay

And I learn to love you right

You had a habit of pushing away those close to you, it was something you had developed after so many people mainly family and a few ex-friends who told you that you were unworthy of their love and care. So over time, you had built walls and only a select few had been able to break them one of those being your boyfriend of six months Eddie Munson who was everything you could ask for in a partner. But still, there was something inside of you telling you that you didn't deserve to be loved by someone like Eddie, and first, you ignored it because you had no reason to believe it but then one night you and Eddie had got into a small fight about something that you couldn't remember and that voice returned and that's when you started pulling away from the relationship not wanting Eddie to complete hate you. 

On the other hand, Eddie had no idea about your past, when he met you he knew you had trust issues and figured that was it. So when you started to become distant he assumed that you were growing tired of him and not wanting to be in the relationship anymore but didn't want to hurt him so he figured he would do it for the both of you.

"Hey sweetheart, we need to talk." He said making you instantly pick up on his mood. 

"Okay is everything alright?" You asked him as he stepped into your house. 

"No, it isn't. I think we should break up." He said making your heart shattered and your worst fears come true. 

"Br...Break up?" You asked quietly as the tears streamed down your face. 

"Yeah, I just don't think it's working out between us anymore. I'm sorry." He said as you felt your heart keep breaking over and over. 

"No need to apologize, I get it." You said giving him a soft smile through your tears.  

After Eddie left you shut yourself from the outside world because if Eddie couldn't love you then no one could. You stopped showing up for school, and work, and you cut communication off from the outside world until Robin practically forced herself into your house a week later that you would talk to someone from the outside the world. 

"I told you I didn't deserve to be with him. He got tired of me like everyone else has in my life. I'm just tired of everyone leaving me."  You cried into her shoulder as she held you while Robin sat there confused as to why Eddie would do that. 

Eddie wasn't doing so well either but he became more worried when he stopped seeing around at school or around town. He went by the movie store to try and talk to Robin in hopes that maybe she knew something considering she was your best friend. 

"Well look who finally decided to show up." Robin said as Eddie approached the counter. 

"Robin I'm worried." He said. 

"You should be. You wanna explain to me your side of the story or should I go off the one where my best friend is over the boy they loved breaking her out of the blue?" She asked him making him sigh. 

"It's not like I wanted to break up with them. It's just that I started to notice them being distant and pulling away from me and I assumed that maybe they was tired of me, tired of our relationship, and didn't want to hurt me so I did it for the both of us." He said. 

"And that's your problem." Robin said making him look confused. 

"They have been told all their life by their family and other friends that they don't deserve to be loved and cared for and because of this, they have pushed a lot of people away to avoid being hurt again. And when you two started dating I was happy because I was like they have finally someone who cares about them the way they deserve." She said making Eddie sigh as he had no idea that you were struggling this bad. 

"How do I make it right?" He asked her unsure if they would even give him another chance. 

"Just go talk to them and have that conversation with them about how you were feeling and just comfort them and let them know that you are there for them no matter what." Robin said as Eddie nodded thanking her for the advice.

He drove over to house and knocked on the door feeling nervous about whether you even wanted to see him or not. A few seconds later you opened the door wrapped in a blanket and you didn't look that good. 

"Hi sweetheart....is there any way we can talk?" He asked you. 

"Sure thing." You said opening the door and letting him as you took a seat on the couch. 

"I want you to know that I didn't want to break up with you whatsoever." He said playing with the rings on his fingers. 

"Then why did you?" You asked him confused. 

"Because you started becoming distant and I thought you were tired of me and didn't know how to break up with me, so I did it for us. Only now after talking with Robin do I realize what a mistake that was." He said looking at you. 

"I should've told you when we started dating but I have a hard time believing that I deserved to be loved and cared for by people so when I notice the first tone or fight that little voice in my head starts going off telling me that said person doesn't love me anymore. I'm sorry because I really do love you." You said looking at him. 

"No, you don't have to apologize sweetheart. I came here to fix things with you, that is if you want to fix them." He said squatting in front of you and grabbing your face. 

"I would love that a lot as long as we both agree to work on our communication." You said making him laugh. 

"Agreed. I love you so much and I'm gonna prove it to it everyday." He said placing a kiss on your lips.

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