Always The Babysitter: Steve Harrington

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Request: Um, so I was thinking it was like a confession from the reader, but Steve just kind of runs off but steve really does like them. I'd love it if you added to it as that's really all I got. 

You didn't understand where your crush on Steve came from, because at one point in time you thought he was the biggest asshole but when he started to work at Scoops with you and Robin, you realized that maybe he wasn't so bad at all. Currently, you were at work watching as he talked with a customer about whatever, what was a small crush was now a full-blown crush. 

"You know you should just tell him how you feel." Robin said snapping you out of your thoughts. 

"Tell who, what exactly?" You asked her. 

"Tell Steve that you have a crush on him instead of making heart eyes at him all day long." She said as you look at her confused. 

"I do not make heart eyes at him all day long." You said scoffing even though you knew it was true but you still didn't think it was that bad. 

"Trust me you do, I'm surprised Steve hasn't noticed yet." She said. 

"Why would it matter if he noticed or not? It's not like he likes me or anything." You said shrugging your shoulders as you went to go put the tapes away. 

As you finished work you kept thinking about what Robin said and began to wonder if maybe you should tell Steve how you felt that way he could just go and let you down so you could get over him and move on to someone else because there was no way that someone like Steve Harrington would ever like you. 

It would be a few days later after talking with Robin again to make sure that this was a smart thing to do, you decided to see to tell Steve. You called him that afternoon and asked if you could talk to him and when he said he could, your nerves shot up and you felt yourself about to throw up when he knocked on the door. 

"Hi, Steve." You said letting him in. 

"Hey Y/n, everything okay?" He asked noticing how you were playing with your hands something you did when you were nervous. 

"Yeah I just need to tell you something and I don't want it to ruin our friendship." You said nervously. 

"I'm sure whatever you have to tell isn't going to ruin our friendship." He said as car horn beeped making him look at him confused. 

"Babysitting the kids, I'm supposed to take them to hellfire club. But please continue." He said as you nodded your head. 

"Steve I like you a more than friends...and I understand if you don't like me back." You said as Steve couldn't believe it that you liked him back. 

He was about to open his mouth and tell you he liked you back when your front door opened and Dustin walked in.

"Steve, we don't have time for your love life right now, Eddie is gonna kill us if we are late." Dustin said making Steve sigh. 

"Look let me drop them off and we can finish this." Steve said. 

"No you can't, remember you supposed today because are unsure how long the campaign is today." Dustin said making you sigh as you realize that maybe this was a sign. 

"It's fine Steve really. We can finish this another time." You said as Steve looked at you apologetically. 

"Always the goddamn babysitter!" Steve said annoyed as he started up his car making the kids look at him confused. 

The next day Steve made his way over to your house, hoping you would still want to talk to him after the events of yesterday. He nervously knocked on your front door and set the flowers he got you on the windowsill while he waited for you to answer the door. 

"Hi, Steve, what brings you by?" You asked him opening the door for him to come in. 

"Hi, Y/n. I was hoping we could finish our talk from yesterday and these are for you by the way." He said as he stepped into your house. 

"Thank you. And we don't have to, we could just forget it happened." You said making him frown. 

"Hey hey look at me. I don't want to forget it happened, because had it not been for Dustin interrupting us I would've told you that I've felt the same way about you." He said making you look up at him. 

"You do?" You asked him. 

"I do. A lot actually, in fact, I was wondering if you would maybe be interested in going out on a date with me tonight?" He asked you. 

"I would love to Steve." You said smiling up at him. 

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