What I See In You: Eddie Munson

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Many people didn't understand what you saw Eddie including Eddie himself, he always felt that you deserved better than him

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Many people didn't understand what you saw Eddie including Eddie himself, he always felt that you deserved better than him. You two had been mutual....well more so friends since middle but kinda drifted apart when he went to high school since he was a year older than you but once you made it to it to high school, you were met with a new Eddie which made the crush you already had on him grow ten times more. It was about your junior year when Eddie would finally ask you on a date after trying to ignore his feeling for you, but he could never forget your smile when you said yes to him after his nervous rambling.

You could tell something was brothering Eddie just by the lack of attention he was giving his guitar, he was mindless strumming here in there instead of his normal playing. Meanwhile, Eddie was inside his head thinking about some comment he had overheard today which normally didn't bother him but today it was. 

"The lack of attention you are giving to your guitar is concerning. Is something wrong?" You asked closing your book and looking at him. 

"Sorry babe, what did you say?" He asked looking at you which made you look at him concerned. 

"I asked if something was wrong because you've been really quiet tonight." You said. 

"Why are you with me?" He blurted out. 

"What do you mean babe?" You asked concerned at why he would ask such a thing. 

"I mean why are you with me out of everyone? You are so talented, beautiful, and kind and you could practically have anyone you want, why are you with a lazy stoner bum like me who had to repeat his senior year twice." He said making your heartbreak. 

"Bubs none of that matters to me, I don't care about that, you have made me so happy these last two years that I thought possible. Where is this coming from?" You asked climbing into his lap. 

"I don't know it's just that... the comments like that but today they just got to me and I started to wonder if maybe you felt the same way." He said rubbing his hands up and down your arms.

"Never bubs because they don't get to see the side of you that I do." You said. 

"And what side would that be?" He asked. 

"The soft sweetheart side. The one where you always remember the little things I like for example how I like my coffee, or a movie I mentioned I wanted to watch, or the one who will bring me a flower or piece of jewelry because it reminded you of me. It's the way you care about the newer classman despite how much they annoy you. It's the way you always make me feel included no matter if its a D&D game or when your playing a show. Sure the weed isn't my favorite thing ever but you've never pressured me into it, and as far as I'm concerned my boyfriend failed his senior year so that we could graduate together and start our lives together." You said pressing a kiss on his lips. 

"You see a future with me?" He asked looking at you.

"I do, so unfortunately bubs your stuck with me." You said with a laugh which made him. 

"Well it's a good thing there's no one else I want with me." He said making you smile. 

"You mean that?" You asked. 

"I do. I love you so much sweetheart." He said pressing a kiss on your lips.

"I love you bubs." You said smiling at him. 

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