How To Love: Jonathan Byers

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You and Jonathan had been arguing for the past hour about Nancy, you were still worried that he still had feelings for Nancy after seeing how close they were today during lunch. You had always been imitated by Nancy, always comparing yourself to her worrying that Jonathan would go back to her because you knew how much he still cared for her even if he told you that they were just friends. 

Jonathan sighed trying to think of a way to make things right with you when he reached up to run a hand through his hair which made you flinch as he looked at you with wide eyes, as you held your hands in front of you shielding yourself. It took him a few minutes to realize it but he now recognized what you were going through because he went through the same thing with his own father. 

You didn't know that Jonathan was trying to move some of his hair out of his face, you only saw his hands lifted into the air and you went into defensive mode. Most people wouldn't flinch from something like that but due to some things from your past involving your mom's boyfriends, you automatically went into that mode any time you were fighting with someone.  You watched him walk slowly to where you were sitting on the couch before taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you. 

"Baby?" He asked concerned as you slowly lowered your hands. 

"Baby, I'm not going to hurt you and would never dream about doing so." He said gently placing his on top of yours.

"I know and I'm sorry it's just....that when I used to get into fights with my mom's boyfriends they would always raise their hands before hitting me." You said quietly playing with Jonathan's hands whose heart broke hearing that. 

"You have no reason to apologize and I'm sorry you had to go through that but I want you to know there is no reason for you to feel afraid because I wouldn't even think about raising my hands to this beautiful face." He said squeezing your hands as you nodded your head. 

"J I never meant to start the fight but I just saw how close you and Nancy were today in lunch when I walked in and I guess I got scared that you would consider going back to her. I've always felt intimidated by her because I knew how much you loved her before she went back to Steve." You said as Jonathan moved to the couch beside you and wrapped an arm around you. 

"I promise you that me and Nancy are long done, yes I did love her at one time but now we are friends and nothing more. I love you now and you are the only one I want now and nothing is going to change that and I'm sorry if I gave you an idea that there might be something still between me and Nancy." He said placing a kiss on your forehead as you snuggled into him. 

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