Stuttering: Eddie Munson

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"Hey, Eddie....." You started to ask but were cut off by him. 

"Can you leave me alone please?" Eddie snapped at you looking up at you as you turned back in your seat and did your work. 

You weren't sure as to what you did to Eddie to make him snap at you like that, because you had always tried to be nice to him offering answers, paper, or anything really when you could, but I guess that wasn't good enough. You made a mental note that he didn't want you speaking to him anymore, so you would just ignore him for now. 

Eddie watched as you left the room and sighed he hadn't meant to snap at you like that but he knew you couldn't talk to you without stuttering and embarrassing himself. He figured maybe you would forget about it by the last period which you had together but you clearly didn't when he saw that your seat had been moved from him which made him sad to see. This same action would go on for the next few days much to Eddie's dismay because he really did enjoy hearing your voice. 

"You've been awfully quiet lately in regards to Eddie, what's going?" Robin said teasing you about your crush on Eddie. 

"Nothing except I'm not talking to him anymore." You said shrugging your shoulders as if it was no big deal as Robin looked at your with her jaw opened. 

"Why? What happened?" She asked. 

"So we were in math class the other day and I needed his help with something, and before i can get the question out of my mouth, he practically yells for the whole class here asking me to leave him alone." You said quietly as Robin looked at you confused by Eddie's actions. 

"Why in the world would he do that? You've never done anything for him to act that way towards you." She said as you shrugged your shoulders. 

"I know which is why I've stopped talking to him and about him all together." You said to her the bell rang. 

That afternoon Eddie decided to swing by the video store to try and talk to Robin in hopes that maybe she could help him fix this mess he made with you. Eddie walked into the store and noticed how Robin laughed at seeing him. 

"Must have messed up bad if you're coming here." She said to Eddie as he approached the counter. 

"Yeah I did, big time. I may have accidentally yelled at her and told her to leave me alone instead of actually talking to her." He said. 

"Speaking of that, why did you tell her to leave you alone? She's only ever been nice to you and that's how you treat her instead of talking to her?" Robin asked confused. 

"That's the problem.....I can't talk to her." Eddie said making Robin look at him weirdly. 

"If I talk to her I know for a fact I will stutter and embarrass myself even more in front of her." He said as Robin grinned now realizing that Eddie had a crush on you. 

"Well have you tried talking to her through a note? Maybe write her note saying hey I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just don't want to make a fool out of myself." Robin suggested as Eddie hit himself in the forehead for not thinking of that sooner. 

"Thank you, Robin." He called out already thinking of what he wanted to say to you in the note. 

The next day Eddie stood anxiously pacing at the picnic table wondering if you would even read the note or if you were coming as he asked you to do in the note he wrote explaining himself. He stopped pacing when he saw you approaching him and set your bookbag on the table. 

"So I make the infamous Eddie Munson nervous?" You asked him with a smile as you took a seat on the picnic table. 

"I blame it all on your beauty.... every time I think about talking to you, I look into those pretty eyes of yours and lose my train of thought." He said.

"Well if it helps, I think your eyes are prettier. But I understand I sort of went through the same thing when I first talked to you." You said. 

"Wait really?" He asked shocked. 

"Yeah it was the first time in math class, I literally had to write down what I wanted to say to you because I knew if I didn't I would either clam up or embarrass myself." You said. 

"So do you think we can go back to being friends that actually talking to each other?" He asked nervously.

"I would love too." You said as climbed off the table and took a seat on the bench where you two decided to just sit there and talk since the first period was already halfway through. 

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