Beautiful Soul: Eddie Munson

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Y/N has ADD and Eddie is the only one who knows how to handle her since they had been best friends long before they started dating. He can read her cues like when she is angry or sad or depressed.  She is also a hyper-sensitive person meaning sometimes she had to be mindful not to take into too much violence, and death often gets overstimulated by noisy crowds or sounds.

Okay, so she has a really hard time focusing so studying is a challenge. And she can become frustrated with herself for not remembering anything. She is always failing maths but loves her history art and English. She is super talkative her stories almost never have an end. She isn't really hyper but there are days when she has a lot of energy so Eddie has to help her keep her calm from exploding all that energy. So he will take her on walks or dance with her in his room or play games like they are 5-year-old kids. Like playing tag with her. She can sometimes super focus on a thing and just zone out. She daydreams a lot so much that she just stares at Eddie who of course doesn't mind he likes it when her eyes are on him and one day Dustin asks why does she that and Eddie just says she is daydreaming so she will zone out completely. She hates crowds and loud noises.

So she has sensory issues. Eddie did discover that she liked Bells. It's just a thing for her so he started keeping bells in his lunch box to give to her during lunch or times when her anxiety is a bit much. She will hold it up to her ears and just jingle them and it sometimes annoyed the group but Eddie found her so cute when she jingles her bells so he told him to leave it alone. Sometimes she does it subconsciously and will zone out and just mindlessly jingle her bells and when she doesn't have bells she will play with his hand and make his rings clink together and she likes the sound Eddie does not mind and just continues a conversation he was having or she something she will she just have him talk to her she loves his voice and laugh. She could listen to him for hours and physical touch is a big thing for her so sometimes while she plays with his hand she will just bring his hand to her face and keep it there for a while. Again physically touching is a big thing for her she adores hugs and according to her Eddie and Dustin give the best hugs. And that's one thing that Eddie loves about her is that she is super affectionate him being super affectionate as well and her long hugs are always a win for him. 

Despite what everyone thought Eddie did genuinely love and care for Y/N, so when she started to act differently than she did he knew something was up immediately. She was quiet, almost zombie-like she didn't talk much and she barely touched Eddie or her bells which worried him but when he asked her about it, she just shrugged her shoulders at him and this is how it went for the rest of the day as poor Eddie wondered what was going on with her. 

She on the other hand been over think all morning well more like all weekend since her parents said that they had gotten her put on better meds that would in their words "help you act your age so nobody would have to deal with a five-year-old 24/7", and she couldn't but help but wondered if Eddie felt the same way so she took them in hopes to be normal and not have to be babysat all the time due to her ticks. 

Eddie had hoped the drive home would be different, but after twenty minutes of driving and she still hadn't something, he looked over to her before pulling into a parking lot and parking his van so they could talk. 

"Sweetheart, you are officially worrying me now, your never this quiet. Please tell me what's wrong." He said looking at her and when she looked at him he could see the tears forming in her eyes which caused Eddie to pull her into his arms. 

They sat there for a few minutes as Eddie let her cry while rubbing her back trying to keep her calm while also worrying about her. He felt her breathing go back to normal and then she pulled away from him and looked at him. 

"My parents put me on new medication for my ADD so that it would help me act normal and so nobody would have to babysit me 24/7 but it only made me overthink." She said as Eddie sighed. 

"Like I know that I can be annoying, super sensitive and that you start getting annoyed with me and that you should dump me cause of how I am and that I'm not good enough for you." She said going into a rant about how immature she is making Eddie's heartbreak at hearing how low she spoke about herself. 

"Stop it please." He said grabbing her hands and making her look at him. 

"You are the most beautiful person to me and I love you and all your ticks." He said looking at her before going into this rant about how amazing she is from how she lights up his day with her silliness and endless stories that never seem to end because of all the mini-stories in between or things she remembers and that he finds it cute when she does that. He tells her how he loves when she plays with his hands and gives him super long hugs. He tells her how beautiful her mind is and how she can think quickly on her feet. 

"I love can you can come up with new and fun storylines for dnd.  I love cute it is that you walk into a room and forget why you walked in only for you to walk out again and come back a few minutes later having remembered why you walked in there the first place." He said. 

"I love you and your diamond mind, and there's nothing I would change about you. You are more than enough for me and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than you." He said as her heart swelled at his words bringing her to tears which made him laugh knowing they were happy tears. 

"I love you, sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"I  love you so much Eddie." You said smiling at him. 

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