Unplanned Happiness: Eddie Munson

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You sat there in shock as the pregnancy tests all read positive...there was no way you thought as Nancy came into the bathroom to check on you.  It was her idea to go grab some after you've been sick all week, and then when you realized that you were late for your period, she suggested for you try them to see. 

"Are you okay?" She asked you.

"I don't know Nance.....I don't know what I'm going to do my parents are going to kill me and I don't know Eddie is going to react either. Nance I'm scared." You said through tears. 

"It's going to be okay, I promise I'll be here for you even if no one else but I know Eddie wouldn't let you go through this by yourself. So let's go tell Eddie first and then we can figure out where to go from there, okay?" She said as you nodded.

You two climbed into her car and drove over to Eddie's trailer and you were a nervous wreck the whole time as you thought about this conversation was going to go.  When you two finally reached Eddie's trailer it made you want to stay in the car and turn around and not tell him at all. 

"Come on he deserves to know. I'll wait out here for you just in case things go south." She said as you nodded your head at her. 

"Sweetheart, I was expecting to see you today." He said placing a kiss on your lips and hugging you. 

"I know but there's something I kinda need to talk to you about." You said making him nervous.

"Everything okay?" He asked as you two took a seat on the couch. 

"Eddie...Eddie, I'm pregnant." You said through tears as Eddie felt his heart drop because there was no way he was ready for a kid. 

"How? We were so careful." He said trying to figure out how this was possible.

"The Metallica concert we went to a few days after spring break ended and we had sex in your van." You said remembering how you and Eddie were so caught in the lust that you both said fuck the condom because you both forgot to bring some.

"I remember now. What do you want to do? Because I'll support you either way." He said reaching for your hand. 

"I was gonna keep it....I know it's a stupid thing to do but I'm kinda excited to be a mother." You said. 

"Then I know we'll be the greatest parents to this baby. What did your parents say?" He asked you. 

"I haven't told them yet. I wanted to tell you first before I talk to them." You said already knowing they were going to kill you. 

"Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what." He said placing a kiss on your lips as you felt a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. 

 The next day you sat down and told your parents who were furious that you were pregnant and much less that it was Eddie's. But when you told them you were keeping it they told you to get out of their house and to never come back so in the midst of your tears you packed a few bags and called Nancy who said that you could stay with her because there was no way you cold stay with Eddie and his uncle. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler." You said as she wrapped her arms around you. 

"No need to thank me sweetheart, but I am going to have a talk with you and Eddie once he gets here about how serious this is." She said as you nodded your head at her. 

A few minutes later Eddie walks through the door and immediately wraps his arms around glad to see you safe and was okay after what your parents did to you. Mrs.Wheeler sat down with you two and talked to you about everything you were getting yourselves into and made sure you two knew the struggle you were gonna face and was she saw how serious you two were she relaxed a bit. 

"So Eddie I figured that they could stay here with me and Nancy where we have room, and you are free to come to visit and stay when you want, while you two figure out what you're going to do." Mrs. Wheeler said as Eddie nodded his head at her words. 

Those nine months were rough for the both of you, but you two were able to get an apartment so that you could get out of the way at the Wheeler's. Nancy and her mom were great at helping you get through this and so was Eddie. You had never seen him cry before you two went to your sonogram appointment and found out that you were having a boy or when the baby kicked for the first time. He was so involved with the baby,  you have never seen him so focused on something other than D&D, like some nights when he thought you were sleeping he would talk to the baby or play music for it which made you smile. 

As it got closer to your due date, Eddie was nervous about leaving you to go to work or school and Mrs. Wheeler said that she would call him if something happened. That day you and Mrs. Wheeler were getting the apartment set up when you felt something warm leak down your leg making you realize you were going to labor. 

You kept crying out for Eddie as the pain coursed throughout the body wondering where he was as Nancy swore he was on his way. A few minutes later Eddie walked in and switched spots with Nancy apologizing for taking so long and telling you what a good job you were doing. A few hours later after so much pain and exhaustion, you and Eddie's son was born and you swore your heart couldn't be fuller. 

"Dad would like to hold him?" The nurse asked after they got him cleaned and everything. 

"Go ahead." You said to Eddie who didn't want to leave your sight. 

Eddie was nervous about holding the baby at first but once the nurse showed him how to, he got the hang out of it falling in love with his son as he walked over and took a seat next to you on the bed. While he was scared at first about being a parent, he was happy that it was you. 

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