Thank You For The Music: Eddie Munson

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Eddie wasn't sure what to think when he saw that you and your family had moved into the trailer next to where him and his uncle lived. He didn't really know you or Max, but he did happen to know your stepbrother Billy who was a complete dick to him, but never you, you two had shared a few classes and you were actually nice to him and offered to help him when you could so he wasn't sure if he should go over and say something to you. 

You loved to blare your music as loud as possible much to your mom's dismay, and at first, Eddie was annoyed thinking he was going to have to suffer through your terrible music until he heard the opening cords of Metallica's For Whom The Bell Tolls making him realize that maybe you didn't have terrible taste in music. This went on for weeks sometimes it was Ozzy, sometimes it was Prince, other times it was Judas Priest. 

Today however while Eddie was working on his own music he heard playing a new band that he hadn't heard before but after hearing the first song, he had to know who this band was. He set his guitar down and walked over to your front door and knocked on it preparing how he was going to ask you without sounding creepy. A few seconds later he heard the music get lower, and then the front door open as you unlocked your storm door. 

"Hi, Eddie. What can I do for you?" You asked stepping on the porch making him a little shocked that you knew his name. 

"So this totally gonna sound weird, but um I can hear your music and was wondering who it is that you were listening to? Because I like their music but can't figure it out." He said making you laugh. 

"Oh sorry It's Hanoi Rocks, they're a Finnish band. Not many people know who they are." You said.

"Hanoi Rocks?" He asked as you nodded. 

"Yeah um here follow me I have a few of their records you can borrow." You said opening the door and walking towards your room. 

Eddie followed you to your room, which surprised him to see how much you two did have in common. He took notice of the Purple Rain poster above your bed, and the picture of you and your sibling which might be the only time he's seen Billy smile. 

"So why didn't you come over the first night and ask me to cut my music off?" You asked as you shuffled through your records. 

"I was going to at first because I was not about to suffer through all that Pop bullshit all night but then I heard the opening cords of For Whom Bell Tolls and decided not to because finally, someone around me has good music taste." He said making you laugh. 

"I mean that's fair, I probably would've done the same thing. Here are the first two albums that hooked on them." You said handing him the two records. 

"Thank you but you don't have to do that." He said. 

"Yeah, I do...You won't find their album within miles of please take this as my offer of friendship and as an apology for everything my stepbrother did to you." You said placing the records in his hand. 

"You don't have to apologize for what he did, that wasn't you. But I will take that offer of friendship because you're actually not that bad Mayfield." He said making you smile. 

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