Polly: Eddie Munson

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You and Eddie had been friends for as long as you could remember which was surprised you considering he was a year older than you and you for certain that he would ditch you once he got to high school but once you started he welcomed you back with open arms and was excited that you two were able to spend more time together. Well around your sophomore year something traumatic happened to you while you were visiting family in California making you never want to be around another man again Eddie knew something was up and you came back more jumpy and guarded but he never pressured you to tell him figuring you would tell him when you were ready and even now as you two were dating he still let you tell him on your own terms.  

You two had been in his room making out to Prince when you felt the cold contrast of his rings on your skin slowly slide under your shirt and you so badly wanted to let him continue and go further but all it was doing was bringing up traumatic memories from that night when you were assaulted on the way home. 

"Baby....baby... I need to stop." You said on the verge of tears which Eddie noticed immediately and pulled away. 

"I'm sorry if I got carried away and made you uncomfortable." He said making your heartbreak. 

"No....No! It's not you Eds I promise.....It's just that something happened to me." You said quietly as he reached for your hand. 

"Baby you don't have to tell me if you are not ready to." He said softly. 

"No, I want to...I kept it quiet from you for almost two years now. Um in sophomore year when I went to see my cousins in California... I was assaulted....sexually...while walking back to my cousins' house that's why I ended up coming back early and that's why I was so jumpy because I was so scared that every man apart from you was going to hurt me and even now two years later I still can't allow a man no matter how much I trust him to go further than making out." You said as the tears slide down your face. 

Eddie had known something had happened to you when you came back but he never imagined that it was something like that...but it makes sense now and he hated that you had to go through that alone or experience it at all. While Eddie was processing what you told him, you were worried that he was going to leave you like so many of your other dates had done before when you stopped them at making out. 

"I understand if you want to leave or don't want to be with me anymore." You said making Eddie snap his head up towards you. 

"Not getting rid of me that easy sweetheart. First off I want to say thank you for sharing that with me and also to say how strong you are for going through that and still surviving. I also want you to know that I love you for you and not your body so that means if we never sleep together then I will still love you the same way and will always be by your side no matter what." He said cupping your face. 

"You mean that?" You asked him searching his eyes for any hint of lying. 

"With my whole soul, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember and I'm not going to let some prick take that away from me, because I love you and I know you love me as well and that's all we need. The sex is just a bonus." He said making you smile. 

"I love you Eddie." You said placing a kiss on his lips. 

"I love you more sweetheart." He said placing a bunch of kisses all over your face and making you giggle before placing one on your lips. 

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