Standing In The Rain: Eddie Munson

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Tumblr Request: Hey! Would i maybe be able to request an eddie x reader where the reader is newish in town, moved into trailer park and needed a new weed dealer so robin/steve sent her to eddie. After meeting a few times they realize they have a lot in common and there's obvious sexual and romantic tension. So when the reader gets locked out of her trailer in the pouring rain she ends up at eddies and spicyness or fluff ensues.

You were still kinda new in town having only been in Hawkins for about a month now due to your mom getting a job offer. You weren't happy about moving to the middle of nowhere and having to leave your friends behind that was until you met some new ones and you realized that one of your neighbors was pretty cute which made living in the trailer park worth it now if only you get the courage to talk to him. 

Right now you were hanging out with Robin and Steve at the record store since it was a slow day at the store. You three became best friends after you literally crashed into Robin on your first day at Hawkins High, and she was nice and then you met Steve. 

"Hey guys, do you know where I can buy some weed around here?" You asked them, it had been a whole week since you ran out of your joints that your dealer back home gave you as a moving away present. 

"Uh yeah our friend Eddie, he sells. You could go to him." Robin said. 

"Wait Eddie as in the one who's always making a scene at lunch?" You asked her confused. 

"Yeah, I'm surprised you two haven't met before considering he's like your neighbor and all." Robin said as you shrugged your shoulders as you hadn't been interested in talking to anyone when you got here. 

The next day while at school while you two made your way to Robin, told you to meet Eddie at the picnic table away from the woods which you nodded and thanked her for as you two got to first period. Lunch finally came and you made your way out to the woods where you walked for a bit until you saw Eddie aka your cute neighbor pacing around. 

"I'm guessing your Robin's friend the one her and Steve shut up about." He said making you laugh. 

"That's me, I'm Y/N, I believe we're neighbors." You said making him laugh as he took a seat at the table across from you. 

"Eddie and we are, I wanted to introduce myself before now but you didn't seem like you were interested in that." He said making you laugh. 

"No I hated that we moved here at first but now it's grown on me." You says playing with your bracelet.

You and Eddie spent the majority of lunch talking and getting to know each other and making plans to hang out more since it was so obvious that you had a lot in common. And that's how it went for the next few weeks, you and Eddie becoming fast friends, and the flirting between you two was next level, that it made your friends wonder when you two were gonna get together. There was no lie that you found Eddie attractive as if his personality wasn't enough, his looks made you weak in the knees and luckily Eddie felt the same, he thought you were too gorgeous to be in Hawkins and was determined to make you his girl. 

With your car being in the shop, Robin offered to drive you home from school and pick you up and you were grateful for it, especially on a rainy day like this. Once she dropped you off, you searched your bag for your keys only to realize that you didn't have them and it hit you that you must have forgotten them this morning and your mom wouldn't be back until the morning. The rain continued to downpour and that's when you saw Eddie's van and figured that maybe he would let you crash with him. Once you reached his trailer you knocked on the door, praying he would answer. 

"Sweetheart? Sweetheart, what are you doing? Get in here." He said opening the screen door and letting you inside. 

"I'm sorry I left my keys this morning and my mom won't be home until tomorrow morning, so I was hoping that maybe I could crash with you or at least call Robin to come to get me?" You asked him shivering. 

"No need. Your more welcomed to stay here with me. Let me get you a change of clothes before you get sick." He said leading you to his room. 

"Whoa, that's a beauty." You said referring to his guitar making him turn and look at you in shock. 

"You play?" He asked you. 

"No, but I wanna learn one day." You said as he handed you some clothes and showed you the bathroom. 

You thanked him closing the door, stripping out of your wet clothes, and changing into the clothes that he gave you as you realized how good he smelted. Eddie was lightly strumming his guitar when you walked into his room and he swore you looked ten times more attractive in his clothes. 

"What are you working on?" You asked him taking a seat on his bed. 

"Nothing really, I was thinking that I could give you a guitar lesson now if you want." He said looking at you as you nodded your head excitedly. 

He shuffled a bit so that you were between his legs not realizing how dangerous this was for the both of you, you could hardly focus on what he teaching but instead the heat of his breath on your neck when he spoke or how his hands felt on yours. 

"Can I kiss you?" You blurted out before you realized what you were saying as Eddie chuckled and placed his lips on yours. 

"I like you a lot sweetheart, is there any way you would be interested in going out with me?" He asked you making you smile. 

"I would love to Eddie." You said kissing him again. 

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