You Want Her And I'll Never Be Her II: Eddie Munson

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It had been a few weeks since you and Eddie's break up and those were the hardest weeks of your life because you missed Eddie no matter how much he hurt you. Steve and Robin were great at keeping you distracted and your mind off of Eddie and went as far as hiding you when he came by the store in hopes of talking to you. What you didn't expect when hanging out with Steve was that you would end up falling for him, and you weren't even sure if it was because he was being so nice to you or if you actually fell for him. 

"Hey is everything alright? Steve says you've been acting weird with him." Robin asked as you two walked to class. 

"Yeah, it's just...I'm sort of going through something in addition to the Eddie situation." You said nervously. 

"What's going on?" She asked you concerned. 

"I've fallen for Steve and I can't tell if it's because he's been so nice to me or if I actually like him so I've kinda been distant while I work through those feelings." You said waiting for her reaction. 

"Aww you and him would be so cute. But honestly just be honest with him and see where it goes, I mean worse that happens is that you don't like him like that or you could have found someone better than Eddie." She said shrugging her shoulders as you thought about what she said. 

"Hey Steve, do you think we can talk?" You asked him as he nodded. 

"Sure. I was gonna come find you anyways so we can talk about what's been going on." He said. 

"Look Steve it's not you, it's me. I have developed feelings for you and I can't tell if they are real or not so I kinda pushed you away in hopes that I could figure them out before I said anything. So I'm sorry." You said. 

"That's alright I understand. Do you think I could take you on a date so we can maybe figure these feelings out? And I promise if by the end of the night you tell me that you don't feel the same then nothing changes between us." He says making you smile. 

"I would love that Steve." You said with a smile on your face. 

Eddie felt guilty about what had happened between you two and wanted to make things right between the two of you but you wouldn't give him the time of day. He decided to once again stop by the store in hopes that you or his friends would let him explain but he stopped when he saw you and Steve holding hands and you giving him the same look that you used to give Eddie when you were together. You couldn't be moving on that fast he thought as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. 

You were at your house getting ready for your date with Steve, today was the first night you didn't cry or think about Eddie when someone knocked on your door making you confused because Robin was supposed to be working. While putting your earrings in, you walked over and answered the door and nearly dropped your earring when you saw Eddie on the other side. 

"Wow you look beautiful." He said as his eyes racked over your body. 

"Why are you here Eddie?" You asked annoyed. 

"I was hoping we could talk." He said as you rolled your eyes because he clearly didn't get the hint. 

"Eddie there's nothing to talk about you choose Chrissy and now I'm choosing myself, so if you'll excuse I have a date with Steve to get ready for." You said. 

"Steve? Really?" He asked with a laugh. 

"Yeah, Steve. Why is it hard to believe that there might be someone out there who actually cares for me just because you didn't?" You asked him. 

"It's not...." He started to say but you cut him off. 

"Eddie go home please....there's no reason for you to be anymore. You moved on with Chrissy and now I'm doing the same." You said closing the door on him. 

Eddie stood there for a few minutes feeling stupid that he let someone like you slip through his fingers because he really did love you and hates himself everyday for hurting you. 

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