Every Rose Has It's Thorn: Eddie Munson

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You never thought that Eddie would be the one to stare at another girl while he was with you, he swore up and down that you were the only one for him. So when you caught him staring at the new girl Jade a few times you didn't think anything of it but then as time went on, it seemed that as long as Jade was in the room, that's where Eddie's eyes were, and then she ended up joining Hellfire the one thing you could never get into no matter how hard you tried. 

You had stayed behind to help your art teacher to clean up which made you late for lunch, and when you got there you saw something you didn't think you ever see...Jada sitting in your spot by Eddie and the two of them sitting there and acting like a couple. You could barely contain the tears that were starting to fall as you turned on your heel and left, you reached the bathroom and locked yourself in a stall, and just started crying until a knock came to your stall door. 

"You wanna let me in, so I can figure out who I need to beat up?" Robin asked making you laugh as you reached up and unlocked the door watching a Robin walk in and closed it before taking a seat next to you. 

"I saw you leave and I also saw the thing that made you run out...what's going on with you and Eddie?" She asked. 

"I don't know anymore. Ever since Jade arrived here it's all that he seems to focus on and I've caught him just staring at her and now that she is part of Hellfire it's even but I tried to play my feelings off as jealousy but after today I think he doesn't love me anymore and is trying to get me to break up with him first." You said wiping your eyes. 

"You know I never Eddie pegged me as the type to cheat or having wondering eyes but I guess I was wrong...Have you thought about maybe I don't distance yourself or better yet ignoring him until he gets his head out of Jade's ass?" She asked you. 

"I mean I could...but what if it doesn't work?" You asked her. 

"Then maybe it's time for you to find a better-looking fish, now come on let's get you cleaned up so we can finish this day." She said helping you up off the ground. 

From that day forward you began ignoring Eddie every time he tried to talk to you, or offer you a ride home or to work, you began hanging out with Robin and her group who were really nice and welcoming. Robin offered to you hang out with her while she worked her shift, which you were grateful for but it only made you miss Eddie even more.

"Get down!" Robin said pushing you behind the counter which made you confused. 

"Eddie's just pulled up, hey Steve can you go see what Eddie wants?" Robin called out as Steve rolled his eyes and walked outside to Eddie. 

A few minutes you heard the door open and then saw Steve standing in front of you which worried you and the sound of Eddie's van leaving the parking lot. 

"He just wanted to know if me or Robin knew why you were ignoring him. Look I'm not saying what he did was right but maybe you should talk to him." Steve said as you sat there pulling at the thread in your jeans thinking about what you should do. 

"Just know whatever you decide, we will support you." Robin said squeezing your shoulder. 

Eddie felt terrible that he even looked at Jade in the first time because while she was cool, she wasn't you nor would she ever be. Sure it was nice to have someone who played D&D but it felt weird to Eddie to look over and not see you sitting there working on your homework or whatever while he played. He knew he needed to make things right before you before it was too late, so he stood anxiously by the entrance of the school waiting for you to show up. He watched as you slowly walked over to where he was standing. 

"Hi..hi sweetheart." He said. 

"Hi, Eddie...Steve said you wanted to talk to me." You said quietly not calling Eddie by his nickname, and it made him realize how much he messed up. 

"Yeah, I did. Our usual spot?" He asked as you nodded and started following him into the woods where you two usually hung out. 

You both took a seat at the table and it was quiet except for the sounds of nature until you decided to say something. 

"The reason I started ignoring you and being distant is because of Jade...at first I didn't think of anything but then I noticed that you would stare at her the way you used to with me and then when she joined Hellfire, it felt like you didn't care that I was there so I started going home or work but what really hurt me was when I was late to lunch last week and saw her sitting in my spot laughing and talking with you like you were her boyfriend." You said quietly.

"Sweetheart...I never meant to make you feel that way... I....." He started to say but you cut him off. 

"It felt like you fell out of love with me and just didn't know how to break up with me." You said as the tears slid down your face. 

"Never...Sweetheart, I admit I did catch myself and maybe not paying attention to you like I should've been but never have feelings changed...I love you the way I did when I first laid eyes on you and still do and I hate myself every day for hurting you because she's nothing compared to you." He said placing his hands on your cheeks as the tears slid down your face. 

"Eddie............ I'm sorry..........but I need time to think things over." You said quietly removing yourself from his grasp. 

"No don't apologize..... I understand that I hurt you....take all the time you need sweetheart." He said. 

He stood there watching as you quietly walked away leaving him there realizing that he had possibly ruined the best thing he's ever had.

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