Rumors: Eddie Munson

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Never in a million years did you think that Eddie Munson of all people would believe rumors especially since he was more often than not the subject of them. One of the mean girls at your school Jade didn't like how close you were with Eddie despite you not dating him so she started spreading rumors about you and him and blaming it all on you and Eddie believed it, you remember that day being excited to see him and be in the comfort of your friend's arms but you got an opposite reaction than you were hoping for. 

"Eddie thank god you are here, you won't believe the day I had...." You said stopping when you saw the look on his face. 

"Yeah, I heard about your day.....going around telling everyone we've been hooking up along with a bunch of other things." He said. 

"Eddie I swear that wasn't me, I would never say that about us. It's Jade." You said on the brim of tears. 

"Yeah...It's always Jada huh? Let's get one thing straight we would never be an item, you are just like everyone else at this school worrying about their social status." He said making your heart break that he believed her out of all people and not you, his best friend of almost six years.

"Eddie I swear..." You started to say but he cut you off.

"I don't want to hear it, matter of fact just don't talk to me again." He said as you nodded your head at him still not believing that he was treating you this way. 

Since that day you avoided Eddie as much as you could opting to hide in the bathroom during lunch but it got so bad that at one point you just stopped showing up to school. The group noticed your absence and how much more on edge Eddie seemed to be, while Eddie had been staring at the spot where you used to sit already missing you and feeling guilty for the way he treated you because a couple of days after he yelled at you, he found out the truth. 

A few days later and after a lot of convincing from Robin that she would be by your side the whole day, you returned to school. You wanted to run the second you felt everyone's eyes on you, you made your way to your locker where Robin was waiting for you. Eddie was shocked when he saw standing by your locker talking to Robin, he knew that it was now or never to talk to you and try to make things right with you. 

"Hey Robin, Hey y/n." He said as Robin gave him a small wave while you ignored him. 

"Y/n, hey did you hear me?" He asked as you slammed your locker door close and pushed past him still ignoring him. 

This is how it went for the next few days Eddie would try everything he could think of to get you to talk to him but nothing worked and he was started to feel the consequences of what he told you that night and wished he never said anything because he missed hearing your voice. He had one of the guys fake like they needed your help with something so he could get you in a room and hopefully talk to you. 

"Should've known this was a trap." You mumbled once you realized the doors were locked. 

"Sweetheart please just talk to me. I feel bad for what I said to you that night." He said making you groan. 

"Talk to you? Why should I talk to you? Hmm? When I wanted to talk to you, you didn't want to hear it, you told me never to talk to you again." You said. 

"Y/n please let me explain." He said as you shook your head at him.

"No you hurt me Eddie a lot and that's not something I can forgive quickly. I needed my friend and he wasn't there for me like he swore he would be." You said as the tears slide down your face making Eddie truly see how much he hurt you. 

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