Every Rose Has It's Thorn II: Eddie Munson

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It had been rough since you and Eddie went on a break after the whole Jade situation, and you noticed that she hadn't been around much lately. Robin and Steve had both done a great job of trying to keep your mind off of things whether it was allowing you to hang at the store with them while they worked or inviting you to come to do things with them just so you weren't home alone to think things over. The downfall of the break so far was that you didn't have anyone to turn to when things were rough at home with your mom's boyfriend, and not having a place to go to. God did you miss Eddie.

Eddie hadn't been doing well since the break either and every time he made eye contact with you, he was reminded of how much he hurt you. He missed picking you up for school, holding your hand, having you sit beside him at lunch and listen to his rants passionately, and he really missed you during Hellfire when he would look over and you would smile at him. Eddie sighed as he headed to your guy's spot so he could smoke and write you another letter that he probably wouldn't give you when he saw you asleep at the table with your head on your sketchbook. 

"Sweetheart..." He said gently shaking you making you groan.

You sat up and looked around at your surroundings realizing that you fell asleep while working on your journal meanwhile, Eddie was looking at you concerned that you were sleeping in such a vulnerable place where something could happen to you. 

"Sorry I must have been had been a lot more tired than I thought." You said yawning as Eddie took a seat next to you on the bench. 

"Do you realize how dangerous it is, for you to fall asleep out here? What if it hadn't been me that woke you up." He asked you. 

"I didn't mean to! Ever since we went on that stupid break I have had to suffer through my mom's boyfriend all by myself because the one person I thought was supposed to be there for me wasn't. I needed you Eddie and I couldn't bring myself to go see you because I kept thinking about how you hurt me." You said full-on crying now. 

Eddie pulled you into his arms struggling not to cry himself as he could see how much he hurt you and hated himself every day for doing that. After a few minutes of him running his hands through your hair and rubbing your back, your breathing went back to normal. 

"I know you don't believe me but I never meant to hurt you sweetheart and I hate myself every day for hurting you. You mean the world to me and I wasn't planning on ever showing these but I had been writing you letters apologizing to you and basically saying how much you mean to me." He said. 

"You wrote me letters?" You asked looking at him. 

"Yeah I did, turns out I'm better at writing my thoughts than saying them. If you want I can show them to you so you can read them." He said. 

"Only if your comfortable Eds, I don't want you to feel pressured to show me I would understand if you didn't ever show me." You said.

"You're the only person I feel comfortable showing them to." He said as you two walked back to his van and headed back to his trailer. 

You took a seat on the couch while he went to his room, a few seconds later he returned with a photo box and set it in front of you and noticed there were only three in there so far. 

"Sorry it was the only box I had available so I wouldn't lose them. I'll be in my room so you can read them in peace." He said as you nodded your head at him. 

Eddie was a nervous wreck, to say the least, while you sat up in the living room reading the letters he had written so far. He was beginning to think that maybe it was a mistake showing you those letters when he heard your feet coming towards his room. 

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asked looking at you holding the letters in your hand. 

"Do you mean it?" You asked him. 

"Every word." He said walking over towards where you were standing.

"This is your second chance don't screw it up." You said as he placed his lips on you making you drop the letters that were in your hands. 

"Trust me I don't plan on it. That was the most miserable week of my life. I love you, sweetheart." He said leaning his head on yours. 

"I love you too bubs." You said. 

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