Friendship Bracelet: Eddie Munson

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You noticed things that most people didn't, your mother used to joke that you should be a detective with how well you notice things, an example of said skill was when you noticed that your best and crush Eddie had stopped wearing his friendship bracelet you had made for him in elementary school and him vowing to never take it off only now he did which made you think he didn't want to be friends anymore which hurt you. You knew people grew apart but you had always hoped you had Eddie would be friends if nothing else ever happened between the two of you. 

Eddie on the other hand had been freaking out when he realized he took it off and didn't set it on his dresser with the rest of his jewelry like he normally did. He had spent all weekend tearing apart his room, and his van and even checking the auditorium and woods, to see if he had taken it off and set it down somewhere and forgotten it. He was so upset and guilty that he had taken off in the first place and was scared to tell you so he didn't say anything praying you wouldn't notice but when you stopped hanging out with him so much and became distant, he knew he had to fess up. 

"Hey sweetheart, can I ask why you've been so distant lately? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while." He said as you two sat in your room. 

"No reason it's actually pretty stupid." You said.

"I'm sure it's not stupid because whatever I did, obviously upset you and I need to know how to fix it because I miss you." He said placing a hand on top of yours. 

"You stopped wearing your I thought maybe you didn't want to be my friend anymore." You said quietly making Eddie's heartbreak hearing how hurt you were. 

"I knew I should've just told you....I lost it and I feel so terrible about it.....I took it off and don't remember where I put it and I had hoped that maybe I would've found it before you realized and I realized how stupid that was... I'm sorry I swore I never meant to lose it." He said. 

"So you aren't trying to get rid of me?" You asked. 

"Never in a million years sweetheart! You're stuck with me forever and I'm determined to find that bracelet if it's the last thing. In fact, give me your hand." He said as you took his hand watching as he wrapped his silver chain link bracelet around your wrist. 

"This will serve as the new friendship bracelet while I look for mine....that way you know that I still want you around and would literally die if you weren't around." He said making you laugh at how dramatic he was. 

"I appreciate it Eds, really but you didn't have to do that." You said looking at him. 

"Of course, I did, can't have no one thinking your available to be their best friend." He said watching how you played with the bracelet, making him wonder about a few other things. 

A week later Eddie had been playing his guitar when he dropped his pick on the floor, so he set his guitar down and picked it up but saw the bracelet you had given him. He couldn't believe it had been here the whole time, it must have fallen under there and he had not realized it. it. He picked it up and slid it back on his wrist excited to show you. 

You were finishing up your shift at the record store ready to get some sleep when you saw Eddie coming barrelling into the store which woke you up. He climbed over the counter so that he was standing in front of you. 

"Eddie what are you doing? You know you can't be back here." You said. 

"I know I know but I just had to show you this." He said holding out his hand and showing the friendship bracelet that you had given him all those years ago. 

"You found it?" You said looking up at him which a huge smile on your face. 

"Sure did. I guess I took it off on my bed and it fell underneath my bed. I was so happy that I had found it that  I had to come and show you." He said beaming at you. 

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