Billy Hargrove: Halloween Prompt #1

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Prompt: "Going through a haunted house together, Are you scared?"

Y/N sighed as she listened to Tommy stand there and try to convince Carol to come into the probably lame haunted house that they were at. See Tommy and Drew had made a bet with Billy about who could make through the haunted house without being scared or throwing up.

"Hey, Princess." Billy said walking up and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, Babe." Y/N said wrapping her arms around his waist as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"What's going on there?" Billy asked as he watched Tommy plead with Carol.

"Carol is refusing to go inside the house because it looks scary, they've been at this for almost thirty minutes now." Y/N said rolling her eyes.

"Dude Tommy leave her ass out here, some of us have other things to do tonight than wait for you to convince Carol to go through this lame haunted house." Billy said.

After a few minutes, Carol finally decides to attempt to walk through the house, so it was Drew and whoever he brought in front, Tommy and Carol, and then Billy and Y/N trailing behind them.

As they were walking around Y/N was taking notice of how lame everything was, no of it looked real, it was a knock of some cheap scary movie but that was until she saw Drew and his date take off running making Y/N laugh at how easily scared they were.

"You know you've got some little bitches for friends." Y/N says with a laugh.

"Yeah totally." Billy said chuckling nervously.

"Wait are you scared?" Y/N asks quietly with a small giggle that Hawkin's badass was scared of a little haunted house.

"Shut it before he hears you." Billy says as his eyes flicked to where Tommy and Carol stood talking.

Y/N smiled as she wrapped her arms around Billy's waist as they continued walking towards the exit of the house when they saw Tommy head outside and throw up on the lawn which made Y/N smile.

"I've got you my love." Y/N said as they reached the exit of the house and returned to his lame ass friends.

"Alright, clowns pay up." Billy said as they each dug a $50 out of their wallets.

A few minutes later once they were out of the parking lot and away from prying ears, Y/N decided to ask what scared Billy inside the house.

"So what exactly were you afraid of inside the house, my love?" Y/N asks.

"The Clown in the closet, that had jumped out at us." Billy mumbled as Y/N suppressed a giggle.

"You find this harlious don't you?" Billy asked looking at Y/N who let out a small laugh at the whole situation.

"Absolutely, you three are supposed to be the kings of Hawkins High School, untouchable and yet the three of you got scared from a little haunted house." Y/N says with a smile.

"I'm glad I could prove you with some entertainment." Billy mumbles.

"Don't worry babe is secret is safe with me, and I'll protect you tonight when the clown shows up." Y/N said making Billy roll his eyes. 

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