(1) When The Hate Began

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A 7 year old Bucky was being dragged away from the park after his dad spotted him playing with a little black boy. 

"But daddy I was just playing with Desmond. I wasn't doing anything wrong." Bucky cried and tried to pull away. 

"Excuse me sir is there a problem?" A guy said as he stopped them. 

James turned around to see the little boy standing next to his dad. "I don't want my son playing with your son." James said 

"Why? Because he is black?" The guy said 

"Yes that is exactly why." James said as he picked up Bucky and headed towards the parking lot. While Bucky kicked and screamed to put him down. 

He put Bucky in the car and they drove off. They pulled up at James Sr house and he dragged a pouty Bucky inside. James told his dad what had happened at the park. 

James Sr sat down beside him, "Grandson we don't associate with people of color. Do you understand?" James Sr said 

"But why? He seemed like a nice boy and his mama is like us so he isn't bad." Bucky said 

"Son listen to your grandfather. They are beneath us and not human understand? We do not associate with those people and she is nothing but his nasty whore." James said in a stern tone.

Little Bucky gulped, and said "Yes sir." 

"And we won't be going to that park anymore. We will find another play place and I will be letting your mother know as well to find a new park." James said 

"Okay daddy." He said and went to the playroom to play. 

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